Monday, September 22, 2014

Tip 7: Getting Ready for Fall (Fall Series)

Hello everybody! I hope you had a great weekend... mine was busy... and too short. Honestly, I think all weekends should be three day weekends at least because I could definitely use the time to, oh I don't know, maybe sleep or something. 

Before I formally begin, I would like to thank everyone out there who is reading this or has read our blog before. I hopped on my computer yesterday to check the blog email and so I thought I would just take a peek at the blog stats and OH MY GOSH was I shocked. We had over 30 views yesterday! You probably would have laughed if you were with me in the room at that moment. My jaw literally dropped open and I can't thank you enough. Life gets pretty tough sometimes and looking at that just made me so much happier.

Anyways, who's excited for the Monday tip post?! I am! By the way, read through to the end to hear a rather exciting announcement!

As you may or may not know or realize, the first official day of autumn is tomorrow, Tuesday, September 23. So, in honor of this wonderful season where leaves fall and everything just feels so tumblr-y, Ana and I thought, "Hey, let's make a 'Fall Series' of tip posts!". Without further ado, I hereby declare that this post be number one of our Fall Series, Tip 7: Getting Ready for Fall!

Note: For some very odd reason, the "➵" symbol reminds me of The Hunger Games, in which a lot of Katniss' outfits are very fall-ish. Therefore that will be the symbol for fall.

➵ Tip #1: Redecorate
A lot of people (especially YouTubers) buy decorations that they place around the house for that added effect. You don't need to do this, but I like to think of fall as a comforting season, so scented candles and "fall" colors always seem to make their way into my room somehow. Ideas for things you can use to redecorate are: scented candles, throw pillows, extra knit blankets, fairy lights, pumpkins, etc. Really it's up to you, so choose your poison.

➵ Tip #2: Clean Out Your Wardrobe
Trust me, I know that almost nobody actually WANTS to do this, but sometimes it's for the better. I just recently switched rooms and had to move my closet, so what I did was pull everything out and lay it around so I could see it and then decide what I didn't wear or what didn't fit. I put that stuff aside to either donate or give to my younger sister. Then I looked at what was more "summer-y" and what was more "winter-y". I honestly don't have enough clothes to take stuff out and put it under my bed or anything, but the things like tank tops and short shorts I moved to the side of the closet so that the warmer pieces were more central and easier to find. Not a bad system, if I do say so myself.

➵ Tip #3: Get Your Stomach Ready
Okay, this sounds very strange, but what I mean is that you should try eating foods that only exist in the fall. For example, the local grocery store sells these AMAZING sweet potatoes that I love to death, but they only sell them from October until December/January. Therefore, I basically force my poor mother to buy out all of the packages. THEY'RE MINE PEOPLE! You get the idea.

➵ Tip #4: New Season, New Mindset
Wow my titles could not be any more vague. Fall is a new season. As MKTO said, and I quote, in "American Dream", "Do something with your life!" No, you do not need to change the world this fall, but change how you approach obstacles. When something gets in your way, evaluate the situation and deal with it calmly. I got in a fight with my mom earlier, and yes I yelled, but I took my phone and went for a walk. I was able to cry it out while talking to my friend on the phone, and that made facing my mom much easier (I think things are better now). You have so much to look forward to, so keep your chin up and your smile on (psh I'm not tacky at all).

➵ Tip #5: Have Some Fun!
Decorate, rake some leaves and jump in the pile, or get some Starbucks with friends (I don't even want to know how much money I will be spending there as soon as it gets cold enough for a Pumpkin Spice Latte). Yes, fall is generally associated with back to school, but make it fun! That's all that really matters.

Now for the big announcement! Recently I went on Twitter and I was scrolling through my feed when I noticed a series of posts from @chloesconcept about her campaign. I decided to look further into it, and Ana and I have decided to join Chloe in her campaign against bullying and for self-esteem. It's pretty exciting for us to have this opportunity, and the idea behind the campaign really touches a sensitive spot for me especially since I did in fact have some troubles with being bullied a few years back. I guess some people just don't realize how absolutely stunning you are.

So that's all for today! I hope you enjoyed my (dare I say it again) on-time blog post! Comment down below how long you think weekends should be (and don't you dare say less than 3 days - I'm kidding - or am I?)! Also, follow us on Twitter and Instagram @twotimeslife !

Love ya ♥︎


- ash

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