Tip 17: Fall Outfit Ideas (Fall Series)
Hello again everyone! I hope your weekend was nice... mine flew by too fast what with all the homework I didn't finish over Thanksgiving break... oops. Now, I know the holiday season is fast approaching, but I wanted to fit in at least one transition type of tip that can be considered part of the "Fall Series". Ana must've forgotten to post a tip last week, so I'll try and make up for that by having this completed thoroughly, but obviously not on time (oops...).
Anyways, with the help of @tipsforchicas on Instagram (some credits go to their "Fall Outfit Ideas" post), I present to you Tip 17: Fall Outfit Ideas!
Keep in mind that some of these could be worn in the winter as well!
➵ Outfit 1: black and white striped shirt, black leggings, white high-tops
➵ Outfit 2: black skater skirt, sheer black patterned tights, white high-tops, long sleeve tight white shirt
➵ Outfit 3: skater dress, hole-y white sweater over, combat boots
➵ Outfit 4: maroon sweater, ripped black jeans, black sneakers
➵ Outfit 5: crop top, high waisted plaid skirt, tall knee socks, black doc martens
➵ Outfit 6: light wash ripped jeans, cropped white top, military style jacket, combat boots
➵ Outfit 7: crew-neck sweatshirt, dark jeans, white high-tops
➵ Outfit 8: cropped black leggings, cropped white shirt, jean/sweatshirt jacket
➵ Outfit 9: high waisted destroyed light wash shorts, sheer black tights, cropped white shirt, boyfriend style flannel
➵ Outfit 10: plain black dress, sheer black patterned tights, tall socks, combat boots
So I hope you enjoyed this list of really cute and universal fall/winter outfit ideas! These are all outfits that I would wear to school, since our dress code really is not that strict, but of course feel free to alter how you wear these combinations to fit your style and needs. AND SEND US PICTURES FOR A CHANCE TO BE FEATURED IN THE NEXT TIP POST! We love seeing reader's responses... so yeah :)
As always, follow us on Instagram and Twitter...
Talk to you later!
- ash <3
Tip 15: Fall Hairstyles (Fall Series) + Homecoming - Part 2
Hey everyone! I don't feel like typing an intro... I've had an interesting day and my brain hurts from thinking too much about things that shouldn't even matter to me at this hour.
Anyways, let me start off with Part 2 of my Homecoming post! So I went to this "pre-party" thing where me and three of my friends ate pizza and then got ready for Homecoming together. I actually was in love with my hair and my eyelashes, but I really could've tried a little more on my makeup in general. I messed up at one point and just took off all of my eye makeup and then did something pretty basic: eyeliner on the bottom waterline and three different kinds of mascara on the top and one on the bottom to really make my eyelashes pop. I have black eyelashes, dark brown eyebrows, and blonde hair. Not sure how that happened but okay. In any case, it was super fun and I loved getting ready with everyone.
Homecoming was a blast too, but my feet hurt from my heels so I ended up taking my shoes off about halfway through and checking them in the coatroom. The music was pretty unfamiliar to me as it was mostly rap, but it had a good beat so the dancing was fun. My friend's date just kind of hung out with us and that was fine because he's pretty cool. Then of course all the pop hits came on, so we were screaming those at the top of our lungs, leaving me with almost no voice because I already have allergies that are acting up right now. I would definitely relive the night though; I had a blast and it really was a night to remember.
Moving on to the tip, I hope you enjoy my list of varying fall hairstyles to wear anytime!
➵ Side braid
➵ Normal braid
➵ French braid into a ponytail
➵ High ponytail (looks really cool in wavy hair)
➵ Topknot bun
➵ Natural hair down
➵ Pigtail braids (more quirky, but why not)
➵ Hair twisted around a flower crown in the back
➵ Messy ponytail
➵ Messy braid
➵ Braided bun
➵ Ponytail braid
➵ Half-up with a bow
So this isn't a completely compiled list, but hopefully you enjoyed nonetheless!
- ash
Tip 14: Movies to Watch (Fall Series)
Hello there! Look at this awesome post that's on time!
haha anyways, here are some cool movies to watch as your curled up with a cup of tea during the chilly autumn nights (if you're lucky enough to live somewhere that doesn't feel like summer - come on Cali, it's November!)
➵The Box Trolls
Yep I'm serious. This movie is a-dor-able. no joke. It's sure to leave you smiling, and in the mood for some cheese..
➵21(and 22) Jumpstreet
These two movies are the stupidest, funniest movies you can watch. You need to give them a shot. They're a bit last year, but Autumn is great for random movies:)
➵The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
This is just a cute little girly movie that you should watch if you're in the mood for an easy movie.
➵To Kill a Mockingbird
This is actually a movie that will get you in the mood for crunching leaves and crisp weather. I also just finished reading the book and I actually liked it! Go school books woot
It's not out yet, but I am soooo excited for it! You need to watch it okay? okay.
okay I've never seen this, but it sounds pretty scary, so I guess I'm not recommending it... I'm just pointing out that a movie titled "Autumn" actually exists. (notice how I used two arrows)
So those are just some movies you should (and shouldn't) watch. What movies are you excited for? Let us know! And remember to come back for Ash's week review!
Tip 13: Clear Skin (Fall Series)
Hey there! So sorry about this belated post... my school had soccer tryouts and I was just so busy yesterday and today and it looks like I will continue to be busy... I wasn't cut today so I think that might mean I'm on a team??? IDK, but I'm pretty excited!
Anyways, this tip is not necessarily autumn-ish (just for you, Ana), but as the days grow colder and drier, clear skin seems to be a problem for many, so I figured why not make a tip before the acne-prone season gets into full swing? Therefore presenting Tip 13: Clear Skin!
➵ #1 - Wash Your Face
This is probably really obvious, but don't deny that you "forget" sometimes *cough* after a long day *cough*. Washing your face not only removes obvious dirt, grime, makeup, etc., but it also refreshes your skin and opens your pores to anything that may come in contact with your face. The face wash I use is linked here and I must say that it is, by far, the best face wash I have used.
➵ #2 - Use A Toner
If you had asked me a year and a half ago what a "toner" was, I would have most likely said something to do with music. But then I found this awesome dirt-removing, deep cleansing stuff from Clinique (exact one that I use and love here) and my life was transformed. I could physically see the dirt from my pores, and of course that motivated me to wash my face better.
➵ #3 - Treat Any Spots
This is a step that varies depending on how sensitive your skin is. For example, I can use medium-strength acne cream, but my mom can only use the most gentle stuff because her skin breaks out to anything stronger. I switch between treatments, but my two top ones are here and here.
➵ #4 - Moisturize
I recommend using a lighter-weight moisturizer in the morning, such as the Morning Glow Moisturizer by Clean&Clear (searched everywhere online and couldn't find a link, sorry) and a heavier moisturizer at night, such as this one by Clinique.
➵ #5: Misc.
Of course, if all else fails, you can always use oil-free makeup to cover any unsightly blemishes (I don't wear face makeup, so I can't really help you there, but YouTube has several useful tutorials and guides to find the best makeup for you). Also, try pore strips and DIY or store-bought face masks.
All in all, I'm gonna warn you that skincare can get expensive. Now, I am fortunate to have a mother who pays for most of my skincare necessities, especially since my skin is very difficult to treat. However, there are several cheaper routes to go, you just have to find what works for you.
That's it for now! Don't forget to follow us on Insta and Twitter...
Talk to you later,
- ash
Tip 12: Halloween Decorating (Fall Series)
Hello! Halloween is so so close, and I've only just decorated (oops). Here are my "tips" for how to decorate, although it's mostly me blabbering about Halloween :)
This is super simple, but just buy some Halloween junk. And hang it up. And get yourself some Snoopy gear :)
Leaves make your house/room not only autumnal, but also super cozy. They even count for Halloween! I bought these at my local craft store for super cheap, and I love how they make the room look!
Candles, trees, and pumpkins! I love pumpkins, and I feel like their color is simply the idea of Halloween. So load up some of those, and get creative! I also think that "dressing up" your fireplace is a super cool way to make the whole house spirited :)
I realize that wasn't too tip-y, but I hope you got a bit of inspiration, or at least got in the pumpkinish mood:)
See ya!
Tip 11: Fall Room Decor (Fall Series)
Hey beautifuls! I hope your Monday wasn't too drab... is it actually contradictory to wish someone a "happy Monday"? I think it is :P
Anyways, I'm typing this out real quick before I go to bed, so please pardon any mistakes I make... I'll try and fix whatever I catch. I need to talk to Ana about changing the tip post day because Mondays just don't work too well.
Moving forward, I recently redecorated my room for fall, and I was going to include pictures but I realized I showed pictures to other people that I go to school with, and for the sake of my privacy I need to conceal my full identity as much as possible... sorry about that.
In any case, here's tip #11: Fall Room Decor!
➵ Flowers and Mason Jars
I actually went cheap and bought fake flowers, but same idea. I prefer to buy fall-colored (orange, brown, red) flowers if I do buy fake ones, so at least the fall spirit gets across. Also, mason jars make great (and inexpensive) storage for almost anything... including your fake flowers ;) I won't tell anyone they're fake, I promise.
➵ Candles
Not only do candles smell good, but whether lit or unlit they just look so pretty and spirited when sitting atop a table or armoire. I only own 2 candles, but I put the red cinnamon-y scented one out for fall just because it's so small and dainty and red. I don't know, it's after 9 PM and I'm beyond tired.
➵ Bows
This might be kind of weird, but when I was at the craft store I happened to see this really pretty leaf-printed bow for $0.99 so I bought it and tied it around the end of my bed. Of course, real leaves look good too, but who's got time for that?
➵ Baskets
I don't know about you, but I have crap all over my room, not gonna lie. So why not hide some of it in a pretty basket? They're perfect for storage and decoration, and the added benefit is that you can hide all that extra unsightly junk.
➵ Lights
I'm waiting until they go on sale, but fairy lights are a must. 'Nuff said.
Alright, so that's it for now :) I hope you enjoyed my attempt at a useful tip... please leave a nice comment somewhere because it really makes me happy to see that people are responding and relating to what we have to say.
See yaaaa
- ash
Tip 10: Fall Date Ideas (Fall Series)
Hey everyone! As you may or may not know, Ana got food poisoning yesterday, so she was not able to post a tip, which is why I left a note last night and am here now (it's Ash in case you couldn't figure it out lol). Anyways, I have absolutely no idea what Ana was planning to do for the tip, but we drafted a list of possibilities so I just picked one and we're gonna roll with it. Kapeesh?
JUST A DISCLAIMER: Ana and I both are very unexperienced when it comes to boys (ew) and dating (bigger ew), but here is a list of what I guess could be called "romantic" date ideas based on my opinion and this website, but then again don't take my word for any of this because the only romance I have is with my dog. And she's a girl.
Let's go ahead and get started!
➵ Go to a pumpkin patch, pick out pumpkins, and create cute carvings (google images will show you the way)
➵ Rake leaves together and then jump in them
➵ Invite one another over at night and roast s'mores in front of a campfire
➵ Go play laser tag
➵ Pack a picnic and have lunch in a park, surrounded by beautiful trees
➵ Spend an afternoon baking yummy fall treats
➵ Then, spend an evening watching a movie and consuming those treats
➵ Meet at an "artsy" location, dressed in nice clothes, and have a mini-photoshoot
➵ Go to homecoming (duh)
➵ Visit a haunted house
So these are just a few quick tips, but I hope you enjoyed nonetheless :)
Love ya,
- ash
Tip 9: DIY Fall Drinks (Fall Series)
Happy Monday everyone! I realize that is probably an oxymoron because when are Mondays actually ever happy. Unless you have Monday off. Then it's happy. Like next Monday is going to be for me.
Anyways, we decided to try something new for the tip posts, so hopefully you still enjoy it nonetheless. It's going to be kind of long, so let's just get started with Tip 9: DIY Fall Drinks!
➵ Drink 1: Pumpkin Oatmeal Smoothie
Recipe from: tipsforchicas
- 1/4 cup pumpkin (not pie filling)
- 1/4 cup roasted oats
- 1/2 tsp pumpkin spice seasoning
- 1 tsp maple syrup
- 1/4 tsp stevia (or whatever sweetener you prefer)
- 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt (I don't like yogurt so it's probably fine without)
- 3/4 cup unsweetened coconut milk (again, or whatever milk you prefer)
Just put into a blender and blend until smooth!
I actually have not tried this yet, but it sounds super easy and yummy, so I think I will give it a shot when the weather starts behaving more fall-ish, since it's still about 90 degrees everyday.
➵ Drink 2: Pumpkin Spice Latte (claimed to be better than Starbuck's, but we'll see)
Recipe from: allrecipes
- 1 cup of milk
- 1 Tbsp or more of white sugar
- 1 Tbsp pumpkin puree
- 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1/4 cup brewed espresso
Whisk 1/2 cup milk, sugar, pumpkin puree, pumpkin pie spice, and vanilla extract in a small saucepan over low heat. Simmer for 5 minutes. Whisk in remaining 1/2 cup milk. Pour milk mixture through a fine-mesh sieve to remove pulp. Return milk mixture to saucepan and simmer, whisking, 2 minutes. Add espresso and whisk until foamy, 1 minute.
Feel free to substitute the spice for nutmeg or anything else, as well as add or take some espresso away because maybe you want it to be decaf, I have no idea.
➵ Drink 3: Cinnamon Water
Recipe from: thekitchn
- cinnamon stick (can be bought from places like Walmart or Target)
- pitcher of ice water
Method One ~ Place a stick of cinnamon in a pitcher of ice water and let it chill overnight.
Method Two ~ Simmer the stick in a pot of water (1 cup of water per stick). Cool the new liquid and mix with water (fizzy water works too!).
This isn't the most exciting drink, but it would be good for a party where you don't want to serve just plain water. Just make sure your guests aren't allergic to cinnamon... it's happened...
➵ Drink 4: Coconut Hot Chocolate (yeah, yeah it's another hot drink)
Recipe from: howsweeteats (scroll all the way to the almost very bottom of the page)
- 4 (13 oz.) cans of full-fat coconut milk
- 2 (14 oz.) cans of sweetened condensed milk
- 8 oz. dark chocolate, chopped
- 1/4 cup dutch processed cocoa powder
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
- 2 tsp coconut extract
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1/2 cup unsweetened flaked or shredded coconut
- toppings: marshmallows, whipped cream, coconut whipped cream, whatever you prefer
Add coconut milk, condensed milk and extracts to your crock pot, whisking to combine. Stir in salt, cocoa powder and chocolate, whisking again. Cover and cook on low for 2 hours. You want to stir and whisk every 15 minutes or so, making sure the chocolate melts nicely and is thoroughly distributed throughout the mixture. The best thing I can say here is to "know" your crockpot. I knew that mine could sit on low for a few hours while being mixed at least once every 30 minutes. After a while it began to thicken and bubble on the sides, so I left it on but removed the lid and whisked well. Just keep your eye on it and whisk everything together. Before serving, add coconut to a small saucepan and heat over low heat, stirring with a wooden spoon. Toast for 5-6 minutes until golden. Let cool, then add to a paper or ziplock bag and crush with you hands under small flakes remain. To serve, rim the edges of a mug with some frosting or glaze or something sticky, then dip the rims in the toasted coconut flakes. pressing gently to adhere. Pour hot chocolate in the mugs and garnish with whipped cream and marshmallows.
If you don't have a crockpot or are wary of using your crockpot, you can definitely make this in a large stock pot. Cook over very low heat while whisking, stirring until totally combined. Continue to stir along the edges where chocolate may stick and burn.
➵ Drink 5: Good Old Apple Cider
Recipe from: my brain :O
- non-fizzy apple cider (can be bought almost anywhere)
Place desired amount of cider in a microwave safe cup and microwave for around 1 minute. Enjoy!
I literally drink this every year and it is the best thing ever, so I hope you enjoy this little piece of my life :)
So that is it for now :) I hope you give some of these drinks a sip (haha see what I did there... no?... okay then...) and comment down below what you think :) also, what are your favorite fall drinks? Let us know!
As always, don't forget to follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Google+, Bloglovin', and all that fun stuff :)
Love ya ♥︎
- ash
Tip 8: Falling Into Things To Do (Fall Series)
Hey there. Before I start I just wanted to thank those of you who left such heartfelt comments on my last blog post. This is such a lovely community, and you are all such lovely people :)
So it's autumn. I don't like calling it fall, as I feel like it reminds me of Taylor Swift. According to her, everything that falls gets broken, but rubber ducks don't break when they fall, so she's wrong, and therefore I'm going to call it autumn. CapitĂł?
This is my little list of things to do this fall. It isn't a bucket list or a recommendation list. Oh well maybe it is... I'll let you decide.
➵ Wear some slippers
What? It's quite a necessity. I've been wearing mine since the start of September, but they're so nice and fuzzy. The colder moths make me love staying inside and they also let me get away with my love of fuzzy items. The slippers I've been loving for years now are these brown ones from Bearpaw. They're technically classified as clogs, but we are going to accept the fact that they are now slippers. (If you'd like you can check the style out here, the original website no longer carries them).
➵ Jump in fallen leaves
Unless of course, you can jump on those still in the tree. In which case I'd like a turn too. Unfortunately, here in California we haven't really had any leaves fall off yet, and the only one I could find wasn't even fully brown. But as soon as those leaves start falling, I'm going to be jumping.
➵ Bring on the scarves
And the awesome knits. And the warm beanies. No worries guys, we're definitely going to come out with some outfit tips, but Autumn is the perfect time to layer. I love warm clothes and scarves. I occasionally wear them during our hot summers, because lets face it, I'm a winter kid. I am also including Autumn as a part of winter. Rainy season perhaps.
➵ Chill under a cozy blanket
There is absolutely nothing better than curling up under the covers and watching some Youtube. I am so guilty of this. My habit lately has been to slip on my headphones and watch some vlogs. I absolutely am in love with Hannah Maggs and her family. (You can watch their vlogs here)
➵ Paint your fingers autumn-y
I actually mean paint your nails, but fingers will work as well. It's honestly up to you, but here in California we prefer to paint our nails. Anyways, Autumn brings on a fun range of new colors: deeper reds, lighter grays, and even some gold. If you're a bit more daring, you could definitely try out some sparkly polishes. The ones in the picture are listed from left to right, in case you're interested :)

Essie - Wicked 352; Jenna Hipp - Shaken Not Stirred; Sally Hansen - Ring-a-Ding! 501; Sally Hansen - Coco-a-go-go; Jenna Hipp - All About You
This post will have a part two, so be on the lookout for that! I'm not exactly in the most Autumn-ish mood, because it's still 80 degrees here, but trust me, in a few weeks I'll be unstoppable. Because I'll be fall obsessed... does that even make sense...?
Ash'll see you guys this Friday... and I guess that's it!
Until next time,
Tip 7: Getting Ready for Fall (Fall Series)
Hello everybody! I hope you had a great weekend... mine was busy... and too short. Honestly, I think all weekends should be three day weekends at least because I could definitely use the time to, oh I don't know, maybe sleep or something.
Before I formally begin, I would like to thank everyone out there who is reading this or has read our blog before. I hopped on my computer yesterday to check the blog email and so I thought I would just take a peek at the blog stats and OH MY GOSH was I shocked. We had over 30 views yesterday! You probably would have laughed if you were with me in the room at that moment. My jaw literally dropped open and I can't thank you enough. Life gets pretty tough sometimes and looking at that just made me so much happier.
Anyways, who's excited for the Monday tip post?! I am! By the way, read through to the end to hear a rather exciting announcement!
As you may or may not know or realize, the first official day of autumn is tomorrow, Tuesday, September 23. So, in honor of this wonderful season where leaves fall and everything just feels so tumblr-y, Ana and I thought, "Hey, let's make a 'Fall Series' of tip posts!". Without further ado, I hereby declare that this post be number one of our Fall Series, Tip 7: Getting Ready for Fall!
Note: For some very odd reason, the "➵" symbol reminds me of The Hunger Games, in which a lot of Katniss' outfits are very fall-ish. Therefore that will be the symbol for fall.
➵ Tip #1: Redecorate
A lot of people (especially YouTubers) buy decorations that they place around the house for that added effect. You don't need to do this, but I like to think of fall as a comforting season, so scented candles and "fall" colors always seem to make their way into my room somehow. Ideas for things you can use to redecorate are: scented candles, throw pillows, extra knit blankets, fairy lights, pumpkins, etc. Really it's up to you, so choose your poison.
➵ Tip #2: Clean Out Your Wardrobe
Trust me, I know that almost nobody actually WANTS to do this, but sometimes it's for the better. I just recently switched rooms and had to move my closet, so what I did was pull everything out and lay it around so I could see it and then decide what I didn't wear or what didn't fit. I put that stuff aside to either donate or give to my younger sister. Then I looked at what was more "summer-y" and what was more "winter-y". I honestly don't have enough clothes to take stuff out and put it under my bed or anything, but the things like tank tops and short shorts I moved to the side of the closet so that the warmer pieces were more central and easier to find. Not a bad system, if I do say so myself.
➵ Tip #3: Get Your Stomach Ready
Okay, this sounds very strange, but what I mean is that you should try eating foods that only exist in the fall. For example, the local grocery store sells these AMAZING sweet potatoes that I love to death, but they only sell them from October until December/January. Therefore, I basically force my poor mother to buy out all of the packages. THEY'RE MINE PEOPLE! You get the idea.
➵ Tip #4: New Season, New Mindset
Wow my titles could not be any more vague. Fall is a new season. As MKTO said, and I quote, in "American Dream", "Do something with your life!" No, you do not need to change the world this fall, but change how you approach obstacles. When something gets in your way, evaluate the situation and deal with it calmly. I got in a fight with my mom earlier, and yes I yelled, but I took my phone and went for a walk. I was able to cry it out while talking to my friend on the phone, and that made facing my mom much easier (I think things are better now). You have so much to look forward to, so keep your chin up and your smile on (psh I'm not tacky at all).
➵ Tip #5: Have Some Fun!
Decorate, rake some leaves and jump in the pile, or get some Starbucks with friends (I don't even want to know how much money I will be spending there as soon as it gets cold enough for a Pumpkin Spice Latte). Yes, fall is generally associated with back to school, but make it fun! That's all that really matters.
Now for the big announcement! Recently I went on Twitter and I was scrolling through my feed when I noticed a series of posts from @chloesconcept about her campaign. I decided to look further into it, and Ana and I have decided to join Chloe in her campaign against bullying and for self-esteem. It's pretty exciting for us to have this opportunity, and the idea behind the campaign really touches a sensitive spot for me especially since I did in fact have some troubles with being bullied a few years back. I guess some people just don't realize how absolutely stunning you are.
So that's all for today! I hope you enjoyed my (dare I say it again) on-time blog post! Comment down below how long you think weekends should be (and don't you dare say less than 3 days - I'm kidding - or am I?)! Also, follow us on Twitter and Instagram @twotimeslife !
Love ya ♥︎
- ash
Tip 6: 40 Things To Make You Happy
Hey there. So today's tip post is a little filler, as it's an in between type of thing. We'll be starting our next theme this coming Monday, so be on the lookout for that! I apologize for the late post once again, but I really wanted to make this a post worth reading, so I decided to wait until Tuesday so I could edit it and add a few pictures. You must be aware of how much I love my pictures :)
I know that there are hundreds, maybe thousands of posts with this same title, or same general idea. However instead of just coming up with 40 generic happy things, I've decided to fill up these numbers with 40 things I do when I'm not feeling too great. Some of these are things I do everyday, while others are for my really bad days.
Before I start, I just want to say that although you may not be interested in some of these things, give a few of them a try. I think they might help you, if not as greatly as they help me :)
Watch Zoella's daily blogs
Take a bath with a lush bath bomb
Randomly open an old book and read from that page
Look at photos hashtagged "light posh" on tumblr
Drink a cup of peppermint tea
Take a walk with your earphones playing your favorite playlist
Laugh at an old episode of the Big Bang theory
Give in and eat a cookie
Go to Starbucks, order a grande drink, and people watch
Write your thoughts down
Kick a soccer ball, play some tennis, whatever you do that goes along those lines
Make yourself hot chocolate with extra marshmallows
Go through old photos and smile at the memories
Sleep. It's the answer to everything
Read a blog ~ twotimeslife.blogspot.com seems like a cool one :)
Call up a friend and have a conversation, instead of messaging
Visit a greenhouse or a plant shop and marvel over the neat flowers
List things that make you happy(I'm fond of lists, that would be on the top of my list. Hehe)
Visit a Japanese Tea Garden
Dance in the rain
Write someone a handwritten letter
Eat some icecream with the sprinkles piled on
Google something you've never thought to google before
Watch Emma Watson interviews
Sip some coffee with a friend
Sit on a park bench and observe
Or read, or write, etc
Visit a used book store
Curl up with a new novel and read it from front to back
Search for new music
Bike around your neighborhood
Explore and find a new café close to you
Look at pictures of a place you want to go to (England and Germany this one's for you)
Play an instrument (or pretend to?)
Light some candles
Watch a Julia Roberts movie
Cook something really healthy
Remember: For every minute you are angry you lose 60 seconds of happiness.
Until next time,
Tip 5: Studying Tips (BTS series)
Hey there! Yes, this is Ana typing up a quick intro, Ash ran into some pesky internet problems, but at least she was able to write a few studying tips to wrap up our back to school series. Can you guess what theme will be next? Stay tuned until next Monday, but for now here are Ash's best (I hope:P) studying tips for all you poor students out there. We feel you, no worries :)
I'm leaving Ana's intro up because it's pretty good but I got my internet fixed so... yay!
☞ Tip #1: Distraction FREE
Eliminate anything that might distract you, including cell phones, laptops, televisions, etc. Try studying somewhere calm and quiet. I like studying somewhere in my room with the door closed, but examples of other places could be at the library, in a peaceful garden, or even just at the dining room table.
☞ Tip #2: Just Do It
No this is not a Nike advertisement. DO NOT, under any circumstance, leave your studying until the morning of the test. You will most likely be under a lot of stress trying to cram it all in, and from my experience this will cause you to remember WAY less. As soon as you know you have an exam coming up, schedule out 20-30 minutes each day (or more, if necessary) to look over notes, read your textbook, and memorize key terms.
☞ Tip #3: Spread It Out
It's intense to do all of your studying in one night. Like I said above, schedule time each day to work on what you need to work on. Moreover, try to not spend more than 30 minutes at a time studying. Take a break, cool off, go outside and do yoga, whatever calms you down. Just put the books down and take a break. If you've been working hard, you deserve it.
☞ Tip #4: Make It Fun
I actually laughed when writing this because when is studying ever fun? I think that's my problem though, I don't make it fun. So make your study session enjoyable! Try quizzing your friends, listening to some pumping music, and chewing cinnamon gum. It may sound odd, but all of the above things have been proven to help you remember things! Listening to music while studying and then humming that same song while taking the test will force you to remember what you were studying. Chewing cinnamon gum works the same way, and the spunky cinnamon flavor really helps you stay awake while trying to memorize the dates and outcomes of each of the battles in the American Revolution (yawn).
☞ Tip #5: Take Pride In Your Work
This applies to after having taken the test. If you followed all the tips above and studied your heart out, whether you get an A or an F should not matter. Just know that you worked your (dare I say it) ass off and even if you made a little mistake, it was one test on one day in one class. Your future employer isn't going to flip through your first semester grade for that English test in freshman year.
Follow us on Instagram and Twitter (@twotimeslife) to keep up with what we're doing, and comment anything you'd like on there. We really do want to hear what you have to say... but I'm just warning you that we both talk a lot... maybe a little too much. Oh well :)
Love ya lots ♥︎
- ash (and a touch of Ana :P)
Tip 17: Fall Outfit Ideas (Fall Series)
Hello again everyone! I hope your weekend was nice... mine flew by too fast what with all the homework I didn't finish over Thanksgiving break... oops. Now, I know the holiday season is fast approaching, but I wanted to fit in at least one transition type of tip that can be considered part of the "Fall Series". Ana must've forgotten to post a tip last week, so I'll try and make up for that by having this completed thoroughly, but obviously not on time (oops...).
Anyways, with the help of @tipsforchicas on Instagram (some credits go to their "Fall Outfit Ideas" post), I present to you Tip 17: Fall Outfit Ideas!
Keep in mind that some of these could be worn in the winter as well!
➵ Outfit 1: black and white striped shirt, black leggings, white high-tops
➵ Outfit 2: black skater skirt, sheer black patterned tights, white high-tops, long sleeve tight white shirt
➵ Outfit 3: skater dress, hole-y white sweater over, combat boots
➵ Outfit 4: maroon sweater, ripped black jeans, black sneakers
➵ Outfit 5: crop top, high waisted plaid skirt, tall knee socks, black doc martens
➵ Outfit 6: light wash ripped jeans, cropped white top, military style jacket, combat boots
➵ Outfit 7: crew-neck sweatshirt, dark jeans, white high-tops
➵ Outfit 8: cropped black leggings, cropped white shirt, jean/sweatshirt jacket
➵ Outfit 9: high waisted destroyed light wash shorts, sheer black tights, cropped white shirt, boyfriend style flannel
➵ Outfit 10: plain black dress, sheer black patterned tights, tall socks, combat boots
So I hope you enjoyed this list of really cute and universal fall/winter outfit ideas! These are all outfits that I would wear to school, since our dress code really is not that strict, but of course feel free to alter how you wear these combinations to fit your style and needs. AND SEND US PICTURES FOR A CHANCE TO BE FEATURED IN THE NEXT TIP POST! We love seeing reader's responses... so yeah :)
As always, follow us on Instagram and Twitter...
Talk to you later!
- ash <3
Tip 15: Fall Hairstyles (Fall Series) + Homecoming - Part 2
Hey everyone! I don't feel like typing an intro... I've had an interesting day and my brain hurts from thinking too much about things that shouldn't even matter to me at this hour.
Anyways, let me start off with Part 2 of my Homecoming post! So I went to this "pre-party" thing where me and three of my friends ate pizza and then got ready for Homecoming together. I actually was in love with my hair and my eyelashes, but I really could've tried a little more on my makeup in general. I messed up at one point and just took off all of my eye makeup and then did something pretty basic: eyeliner on the bottom waterline and three different kinds of mascara on the top and one on the bottom to really make my eyelashes pop. I have black eyelashes, dark brown eyebrows, and blonde hair. Not sure how that happened but okay. In any case, it was super fun and I loved getting ready with everyone.
Homecoming was a blast too, but my feet hurt from my heels so I ended up taking my shoes off about halfway through and checking them in the coatroom. The music was pretty unfamiliar to me as it was mostly rap, but it had a good beat so the dancing was fun. My friend's date just kind of hung out with us and that was fine because he's pretty cool. Then of course all the pop hits came on, so we were screaming those at the top of our lungs, leaving me with almost no voice because I already have allergies that are acting up right now. I would definitely relive the night though; I had a blast and it really was a night to remember.
Moving on to the tip, I hope you enjoy my list of varying fall hairstyles to wear anytime!
➵ Side braid
➵ Normal braid
➵ French braid into a ponytail
➵ High ponytail (looks really cool in wavy hair)
➵ Topknot bun
➵ Natural hair down
➵ Pigtail braids (more quirky, but why not)
➵ Hair twisted around a flower crown in the back
➵ Messy ponytail
➵ Messy braid
➵ Braided bun
➵ Ponytail braid
➵ Half-up with a bow
So this isn't a completely compiled list, but hopefully you enjoyed nonetheless!
- ash
Tip 14: Movies to Watch (Fall Series)
Hello there! Look at this awesome post that's on time!
haha anyways, here are some cool movies to watch as your curled up with a cup of tea during the chilly autumn nights (if you're lucky enough to live somewhere that doesn't feel like summer - come on Cali, it's November!)
Tip 13: Clear Skin (Fall Series)
Hey there! So sorry about this belated post... my school had soccer tryouts and I was just so busy yesterday and today and it looks like I will continue to be busy... I wasn't cut today so I think that might mean I'm on a team??? IDK, but I'm pretty excited!
Anyways, this tip is not necessarily autumn-ish (just for you, Ana), but as the days grow colder and drier, clear skin seems to be a problem for many, so I figured why not make a tip before the acne-prone season gets into full swing? Therefore presenting Tip 13: Clear Skin!
➵ #1 - Wash Your Face
This is probably really obvious, but don't deny that you "forget" sometimes *cough* after a long day *cough*. Washing your face not only removes obvious dirt, grime, makeup, etc., but it also refreshes your skin and opens your pores to anything that may come in contact with your face. The face wash I use is linked here and I must say that it is, by far, the best face wash I have used.
➵ #2 - Use A Toner
If you had asked me a year and a half ago what a "toner" was, I would have most likely said something to do with music. But then I found this awesome dirt-removing, deep cleansing stuff from Clinique (exact one that I use and love here) and my life was transformed. I could physically see the dirt from my pores, and of course that motivated me to wash my face better.
➵ #3 - Treat Any Spots
This is a step that varies depending on how sensitive your skin is. For example, I can use medium-strength acne cream, but my mom can only use the most gentle stuff because her skin breaks out to anything stronger. I switch between treatments, but my two top ones are here and here.
➵ #4 - Moisturize
I recommend using a lighter-weight moisturizer in the morning, such as the Morning Glow Moisturizer by Clean&Clear (searched everywhere online and couldn't find a link, sorry) and a heavier moisturizer at night, such as this one by Clinique.
➵ #5: Misc.
Of course, if all else fails, you can always use oil-free makeup to cover any unsightly blemishes (I don't wear face makeup, so I can't really help you there, but YouTube has several useful tutorials and guides to find the best makeup for you). Also, try pore strips and DIY or store-bought face masks.
All in all, I'm gonna warn you that skincare can get expensive. Now, I am fortunate to have a mother who pays for most of my skincare necessities, especially since my skin is very difficult to treat. However, there are several cheaper routes to go, you just have to find what works for you.
That's it for now! Don't forget to follow us on Insta and Twitter...
Talk to you later,
- ash
This is super simple, but just buy some Halloween junk. And hang it up. And get yourself some Snoopy gear :)
Leaves make your house/room not only autumnal, but also super cozy. They even count for Halloween! I bought these at my local craft store for super cheap, and I love how they make the room look!
Candles, trees, and pumpkins! I love pumpkins, and I feel like their color is simply the idea of Halloween. So load up some of those, and get creative! I also think that "dressing up" your fireplace is a super cool way to make the whole house spirited :)
I realize that wasn't too tip-y, but I hope you got a bit of inspiration, or at least got in the pumpkinish mood:)
See ya!
Tip 11: Fall Room Decor (Fall Series)
Hey beautifuls! I hope your Monday wasn't too drab... is it actually contradictory to wish someone a "happy Monday"? I think it is :P
Anyways, I'm typing this out real quick before I go to bed, so please pardon any mistakes I make... I'll try and fix whatever I catch. I need to talk to Ana about changing the tip post day because Mondays just don't work too well.
Moving forward, I recently redecorated my room for fall, and I was going to include pictures but I realized I showed pictures to other people that I go to school with, and for the sake of my privacy I need to conceal my full identity as much as possible... sorry about that.
In any case, here's tip #11: Fall Room Decor!
➵ Flowers and Mason Jars
I actually went cheap and bought fake flowers, but same idea. I prefer to buy fall-colored (orange, brown, red) flowers if I do buy fake ones, so at least the fall spirit gets across. Also, mason jars make great (and inexpensive) storage for almost anything... including your fake flowers ;) I won't tell anyone they're fake, I promise.
➵ Candles
Not only do candles smell good, but whether lit or unlit they just look so pretty and spirited when sitting atop a table or armoire. I only own 2 candles, but I put the red cinnamon-y scented one out for fall just because it's so small and dainty and red. I don't know, it's after 9 PM and I'm beyond tired.
➵ Bows
This might be kind of weird, but when I was at the craft store I happened to see this really pretty leaf-printed bow for $0.99 so I bought it and tied it around the end of my bed. Of course, real leaves look good too, but who's got time for that?
➵ Baskets
I don't know about you, but I have crap all over my room, not gonna lie. So why not hide some of it in a pretty basket? They're perfect for storage and decoration, and the added benefit is that you can hide all that extra unsightly junk.
➵ Lights
I'm waiting until they go on sale, but fairy lights are a must. 'Nuff said.
Alright, so that's it for now :) I hope you enjoyed my attempt at a useful tip... please leave a nice comment somewhere because it really makes me happy to see that people are responding and relating to what we have to say.
See yaaaa
- ash
Tip 10: Fall Date Ideas (Fall Series)
Hey everyone! As you may or may not know, Ana got food poisoning yesterday, so she was not able to post a tip, which is why I left a note last night and am here now (it's Ash in case you couldn't figure it out lol). Anyways, I have absolutely no idea what Ana was planning to do for the tip, but we drafted a list of possibilities so I just picked one and we're gonna roll with it. Kapeesh?
JUST A DISCLAIMER: Ana and I both are very unexperienced when it comes to boys (ew) and dating (bigger ew), but here is a list of what I guess could be called "romantic" date ideas based on my opinion and this website, but then again don't take my word for any of this because the only romance I have is with my dog. And she's a girl.
Let's go ahead and get started!
Tip 9: DIY Fall Drinks (Fall Series)
Happy Monday everyone! I realize that is probably an oxymoron because when are Mondays actually ever happy. Unless you have Monday off. Then it's happy. Like next Monday is going to be for me.
Anyways, we decided to try something new for the tip posts, so hopefully you still enjoy it nonetheless. It's going to be kind of long, so let's just get started with Tip 9: DIY Fall Drinks!
➵ Drink 1: Pumpkin Oatmeal Smoothie
Recipe from: tipsforchicas
- 1/4 cup pumpkin (not pie filling)
- 1/4 cup roasted oats
- 1/2 tsp pumpkin spice seasoning
- 1 tsp maple syrup
- 1/4 tsp stevia (or whatever sweetener you prefer)
- 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt (I don't like yogurt so it's probably fine without)
- 3/4 cup unsweetened coconut milk (again, or whatever milk you prefer)
Just put into a blender and blend until smooth!
I actually have not tried this yet, but it sounds super easy and yummy, so I think I will give it a shot when the weather starts behaving more fall-ish, since it's still about 90 degrees everyday.
➵ Drink 2: Pumpkin Spice Latte (claimed to be better than Starbuck's, but we'll see)
Recipe from: allrecipes
- 1 cup of milk
- 1 Tbsp or more of white sugar
- 1 Tbsp pumpkin puree
- 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1/4 cup brewed espresso
Whisk 1/2 cup milk, sugar, pumpkin puree, pumpkin pie spice, and vanilla extract in a small saucepan over low heat. Simmer for 5 minutes. Whisk in remaining 1/2 cup milk. Pour milk mixture through a fine-mesh sieve to remove pulp. Return milk mixture to saucepan and simmer, whisking, 2 minutes. Add espresso and whisk until foamy, 1 minute.
Feel free to substitute the spice for nutmeg or anything else, as well as add or take some espresso away because maybe you want it to be decaf, I have no idea.
➵ Drink 3: Cinnamon Water
Recipe from: thekitchn
- cinnamon stick (can be bought from places like Walmart or Target)
- pitcher of ice water
Method One ~ Place a stick of cinnamon in a pitcher of ice water and let it chill overnight.
Method Two ~ Simmer the stick in a pot of water (1 cup of water per stick). Cool the new liquid and mix with water (fizzy water works too!).
This isn't the most exciting drink, but it would be good for a party where you don't want to serve just plain water. Just make sure your guests aren't allergic to cinnamon... it's happened...
➵ Drink 4: Coconut Hot Chocolate (yeah, yeah it's another hot drink)
Recipe from: howsweeteats (scroll all the way to the almost very bottom of the page)
- 4 (13 oz.) cans of full-fat coconut milk
- 2 (14 oz.) cans of sweetened condensed milk
- 8 oz. dark chocolate, chopped
- 1/4 cup dutch processed cocoa powder
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
- 2 tsp coconut extract
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1/2 cup unsweetened flaked or shredded coconut
- toppings: marshmallows, whipped cream, coconut whipped cream, whatever you prefer
So that is it for now :) I hope you give some of these drinks a sip (haha see what I did there... no?... okay then...) and comment down below what you think :) also, what are your favorite fall drinks? Let us know!
As always, don't forget to follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Google+, Bloglovin', and all that fun stuff :)
Love ya ♥︎
- ash
Tip 8: Falling Into Things To Do (Fall Series)
Hey there. Before I start I just wanted to thank those of you who left such heartfelt comments on my last blog post. This is such a lovely community, and you are all such lovely people :)
Hello again everyone! I hope your weekend was nice... mine flew by too fast what with all the homework I didn't finish over Thanksgiving break... oops. Now, I know the holiday season is fast approaching, but I wanted to fit in at least one transition type of tip that can be considered part of the "Fall Series". Ana must've forgotten to post a tip last week, so I'll try and make up for that by having this completed thoroughly, but obviously not on time (oops...).
Anyways, with the help of @tipsforchicas on Instagram (some credits go to their "Fall Outfit Ideas" post), I present to you Tip 17: Fall Outfit Ideas!
Keep in mind that some of these could be worn in the winter as well!
➵ Outfit 1: black and white striped shirt, black leggings, white high-tops
➵ Outfit 2: black skater skirt, sheer black patterned tights, white high-tops, long sleeve tight white shirt
➵ Outfit 3: skater dress, hole-y white sweater over, combat boots
➵ Outfit 4: maroon sweater, ripped black jeans, black sneakers
➵ Outfit 5: crop top, high waisted plaid skirt, tall knee socks, black doc martens
➵ Outfit 6: light wash ripped jeans, cropped white top, military style jacket, combat boots
➵ Outfit 7: crew-neck sweatshirt, dark jeans, white high-tops
➵ Outfit 8: cropped black leggings, cropped white shirt, jean/sweatshirt jacket
➵ Outfit 9: high waisted destroyed light wash shorts, sheer black tights, cropped white shirt, boyfriend style flannel
➵ Outfit 10: plain black dress, sheer black patterned tights, tall socks, combat boots
So I hope you enjoyed this list of really cute and universal fall/winter outfit ideas! These are all outfits that I would wear to school, since our dress code really is not that strict, but of course feel free to alter how you wear these combinations to fit your style and needs. AND SEND US PICTURES FOR A CHANCE TO BE FEATURED IN THE NEXT TIP POST! We love seeing reader's responses... so yeah :)
As always, follow us on Instagram and Twitter...
Talk to you later!
- ash <3
Tip 15: Fall Hairstyles (Fall Series) + Homecoming - Part 2
Hey everyone! I don't feel like typing an intro... I've had an interesting day and my brain hurts from thinking too much about things that shouldn't even matter to me at this hour.
Anyways, let me start off with Part 2 of my Homecoming post! So I went to this "pre-party" thing where me and three of my friends ate pizza and then got ready for Homecoming together. I actually was in love with my hair and my eyelashes, but I really could've tried a little more on my makeup in general. I messed up at one point and just took off all of my eye makeup and then did something pretty basic: eyeliner on the bottom waterline and three different kinds of mascara on the top and one on the bottom to really make my eyelashes pop. I have black eyelashes, dark brown eyebrows, and blonde hair. Not sure how that happened but okay. In any case, it was super fun and I loved getting ready with everyone.
Homecoming was a blast too, but my feet hurt from my heels so I ended up taking my shoes off about halfway through and checking them in the coatroom. The music was pretty unfamiliar to me as it was mostly rap, but it had a good beat so the dancing was fun. My friend's date just kind of hung out with us and that was fine because he's pretty cool. Then of course all the pop hits came on, so we were screaming those at the top of our lungs, leaving me with almost no voice because I already have allergies that are acting up right now. I would definitely relive the night though; I had a blast and it really was a night to remember.
Moving on to the tip, I hope you enjoy my list of varying fall hairstyles to wear anytime!
➵ Side braid
➵ Normal braid
➵ French braid into a ponytail
➵ High ponytail (looks really cool in wavy hair)
➵ Topknot bun
➵ Natural hair down
➵ Pigtail braids (more quirky, but why not)
➵ Hair twisted around a flower crown in the back
➵ Messy ponytail
➵ Messy braid
➵ Braided bun
➵ Ponytail braid
➵ Half-up with a bow
So this isn't a completely compiled list, but hopefully you enjoyed nonetheless!
- ash
Tip 14: Movies to Watch (Fall Series)
Hello there! Look at this awesome post that's on time!
haha anyways, here are some cool movies to watch as your curled up with a cup of tea during the chilly autumn nights (if you're lucky enough to live somewhere that doesn't feel like summer - come on Cali, it's November!)
➵The Box Trolls
Yep I'm serious. This movie is a-dor-able. no joke. It's sure to leave you smiling, and in the mood for some cheese..
➵21(and 22) Jumpstreet
These two movies are the stupidest, funniest movies you can watch. You need to give them a shot. They're a bit last year, but Autumn is great for random movies:)
➵The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
This is just a cute little girly movie that you should watch if you're in the mood for an easy movie.
➵To Kill a Mockingbird
This is actually a movie that will get you in the mood for crunching leaves and crisp weather. I also just finished reading the book and I actually liked it! Go school books woot
It's not out yet, but I am soooo excited for it! You need to watch it okay? okay.
okay I've never seen this, but it sounds pretty scary, so I guess I'm not recommending it... I'm just pointing out that a movie titled "Autumn" actually exists. (notice how I used two arrows)
So those are just some movies you should (and shouldn't) watch. What movies are you excited for? Let us know! And remember to come back for Ash's week review!
Hey there! So sorry about this belated post... my school had soccer tryouts and I was just so busy yesterday and today and it looks like I will continue to be busy... I wasn't cut today so I think that might mean I'm on a team??? IDK, but I'm pretty excited!
Anyways, this tip is not necessarily autumn-ish (just for you, Ana), but as the days grow colder and drier, clear skin seems to be a problem for many, so I figured why not make a tip before the acne-prone season gets into full swing? Therefore presenting Tip 13: Clear Skin!
➵ #1 - Wash Your Face
This is probably really obvious, but don't deny that you "forget" sometimes *cough* after a long day *cough*. Washing your face not only removes obvious dirt, grime, makeup, etc., but it also refreshes your skin and opens your pores to anything that may come in contact with your face. The face wash I use is linked here and I must say that it is, by far, the best face wash I have used.
➵ #2 - Use A Toner
If you had asked me a year and a half ago what a "toner" was, I would have most likely said something to do with music. But then I found this awesome dirt-removing, deep cleansing stuff from Clinique (exact one that I use and love here) and my life was transformed. I could physically see the dirt from my pores, and of course that motivated me to wash my face better.
➵ #3 - Treat Any Spots
This is a step that varies depending on how sensitive your skin is. For example, I can use medium-strength acne cream, but my mom can only use the most gentle stuff because her skin breaks out to anything stronger. I switch between treatments, but my two top ones are here and here.
➵ #4 - Moisturize
I recommend using a lighter-weight moisturizer in the morning, such as the Morning Glow Moisturizer by Clean&Clear (searched everywhere online and couldn't find a link, sorry) and a heavier moisturizer at night, such as this one by Clinique.
➵ #5: Misc.
Of course, if all else fails, you can always use oil-free makeup to cover any unsightly blemishes (I don't wear face makeup, so I can't really help you there, but YouTube has several useful tutorials and guides to find the best makeup for you). Also, try pore strips and DIY or store-bought face masks.
All in all, I'm gonna warn you that skincare can get expensive. Now, I am fortunate to have a mother who pays for most of my skincare necessities, especially since my skin is very difficult to treat. However, there are several cheaper routes to go, you just have to find what works for you.
That's it for now! Don't forget to follow us on Insta and Twitter...
Talk to you later,
- ash
Tip 12: Halloween Decorating (Fall Series)
Hello! Halloween is so so close, and I've only just decorated (oops). Here are my "tips" for how to decorate, although it's mostly me blabbering about Halloween :)
This is super simple, but just buy some Halloween junk. And hang it up. And get yourself some Snoopy gear :)
Leaves make your house/room not only autumnal, but also super cozy. They even count for Halloween! I bought these at my local craft store for super cheap, and I love how they make the room look!
Candles, trees, and pumpkins! I love pumpkins, and I feel like their color is simply the idea of Halloween. So load up some of those, and get creative! I also think that "dressing up" your fireplace is a super cool way to make the whole house spirited :)
I realize that wasn't too tip-y, but I hope you got a bit of inspiration, or at least got in the pumpkinish mood:)
See ya!
Tip 11: Fall Room Decor (Fall Series)
Hey beautifuls! I hope your Monday wasn't too drab... is it actually contradictory to wish someone a "happy Monday"? I think it is :P
Anyways, I'm typing this out real quick before I go to bed, so please pardon any mistakes I make... I'll try and fix whatever I catch. I need to talk to Ana about changing the tip post day because Mondays just don't work too well.
Moving forward, I recently redecorated my room for fall, and I was going to include pictures but I realized I showed pictures to other people that I go to school with, and for the sake of my privacy I need to conceal my full identity as much as possible... sorry about that.
In any case, here's tip #11: Fall Room Decor!
➵ Flowers and Mason Jars
I actually went cheap and bought fake flowers, but same idea. I prefer to buy fall-colored (orange, brown, red) flowers if I do buy fake ones, so at least the fall spirit gets across. Also, mason jars make great (and inexpensive) storage for almost anything... including your fake flowers ;) I won't tell anyone they're fake, I promise.
➵ Candles
Not only do candles smell good, but whether lit or unlit they just look so pretty and spirited when sitting atop a table or armoire. I only own 2 candles, but I put the red cinnamon-y scented one out for fall just because it's so small and dainty and red. I don't know, it's after 9 PM and I'm beyond tired.
➵ Bows
This might be kind of weird, but when I was at the craft store I happened to see this really pretty leaf-printed bow for $0.99 so I bought it and tied it around the end of my bed. Of course, real leaves look good too, but who's got time for that?
➵ Baskets
I don't know about you, but I have crap all over my room, not gonna lie. So why not hide some of it in a pretty basket? They're perfect for storage and decoration, and the added benefit is that you can hide all that extra unsightly junk.
➵ Lights
I'm waiting until they go on sale, but fairy lights are a must. 'Nuff said.
Alright, so that's it for now :) I hope you enjoyed my attempt at a useful tip... please leave a nice comment somewhere because it really makes me happy to see that people are responding and relating to what we have to say.
See yaaaa
- ash
Tip 10: Fall Date Ideas (Fall Series)
Hey everyone! As you may or may not know, Ana got food poisoning yesterday, so she was not able to post a tip, which is why I left a note last night and am here now (it's Ash in case you couldn't figure it out lol). Anyways, I have absolutely no idea what Ana was planning to do for the tip, but we drafted a list of possibilities so I just picked one and we're gonna roll with it. Kapeesh?
JUST A DISCLAIMER: Ana and I both are very unexperienced when it comes to boys (ew) and dating (bigger ew), but here is a list of what I guess could be called "romantic" date ideas based on my opinion and this website, but then again don't take my word for any of this because the only romance I have is with my dog. And she's a girl.
Let's go ahead and get started!
➵ Go to a pumpkin patch, pick out pumpkins, and create cute carvings (google images will show you the way)
➵ Rake leaves together and then jump in them
➵ Invite one another over at night and roast s'mores in front of a campfire
➵ Go play laser tag
➵ Pack a picnic and have lunch in a park, surrounded by beautiful trees
➵ Spend an afternoon baking yummy fall treats
➵ Then, spend an evening watching a movie and consuming those treats
➵ Meet at an "artsy" location, dressed in nice clothes, and have a mini-photoshoot
➵ Go to homecoming (duh)
➵ Visit a haunted house
So these are just a few quick tips, but I hope you enjoyed nonetheless :)
Love ya,
- ash
➵ Rake leaves together and then jump in them
➵ Invite one another over at night and roast s'mores in front of a campfire
➵ Go play laser tag
➵ Pack a picnic and have lunch in a park, surrounded by beautiful trees
➵ Spend an afternoon baking yummy fall treats
➵ Then, spend an evening watching a movie and consuming those treats
➵ Meet at an "artsy" location, dressed in nice clothes, and have a mini-photoshoot
➵ Go to homecoming (duh)
➵ Visit a haunted house
So these are just a few quick tips, but I hope you enjoyed nonetheless :)
Love ya,
- ash
Tip 9: DIY Fall Drinks (Fall Series)
Happy Monday everyone! I realize that is probably an oxymoron because when are Mondays actually ever happy. Unless you have Monday off. Then it's happy. Like next Monday is going to be for me.
Anyways, we decided to try something new for the tip posts, so hopefully you still enjoy it nonetheless. It's going to be kind of long, so let's just get started with Tip 9: DIY Fall Drinks!
➵ Drink 1: Pumpkin Oatmeal Smoothie
Recipe from: tipsforchicas
- 1/4 cup pumpkin (not pie filling)
- 1/4 cup roasted oats
- 1/2 tsp pumpkin spice seasoning
- 1 tsp maple syrup
- 1/4 tsp stevia (or whatever sweetener you prefer)
- 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt (I don't like yogurt so it's probably fine without)
- 3/4 cup unsweetened coconut milk (again, or whatever milk you prefer)
Just put into a blender and blend until smooth!
I actually have not tried this yet, but it sounds super easy and yummy, so I think I will give it a shot when the weather starts behaving more fall-ish, since it's still about 90 degrees everyday.
➵ Drink 2: Pumpkin Spice Latte (claimed to be better than Starbuck's, but we'll see)
Recipe from: allrecipes
- 1 cup of milk
- 1 Tbsp or more of white sugar
- 1 Tbsp pumpkin puree
- 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1/4 cup brewed espresso
Whisk 1/2 cup milk, sugar, pumpkin puree, pumpkin pie spice, and vanilla extract in a small saucepan over low heat. Simmer for 5 minutes. Whisk in remaining 1/2 cup milk. Pour milk mixture through a fine-mesh sieve to remove pulp. Return milk mixture to saucepan and simmer, whisking, 2 minutes. Add espresso and whisk until foamy, 1 minute.
Feel free to substitute the spice for nutmeg or anything else, as well as add or take some espresso away because maybe you want it to be decaf, I have no idea.
➵ Drink 3: Cinnamon Water
Recipe from: thekitchn
- cinnamon stick (can be bought from places like Walmart or Target)
- pitcher of ice water
Method One ~ Place a stick of cinnamon in a pitcher of ice water and let it chill overnight.
Method Two ~ Simmer the stick in a pot of water (1 cup of water per stick). Cool the new liquid and mix with water (fizzy water works too!).
This isn't the most exciting drink, but it would be good for a party where you don't want to serve just plain water. Just make sure your guests aren't allergic to cinnamon... it's happened...
➵ Drink 4: Coconut Hot Chocolate (yeah, yeah it's another hot drink)
Recipe from: howsweeteats (scroll all the way to the almost very bottom of the page)
- 4 (13 oz.) cans of full-fat coconut milk
- 2 (14 oz.) cans of sweetened condensed milk
- 8 oz. dark chocolate, chopped
- 1/4 cup dutch processed cocoa powder
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
- 2 tsp coconut extract
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1/2 cup unsweetened flaked or shredded coconut
- toppings: marshmallows, whipped cream, coconut whipped cream, whatever you prefer
Add coconut milk, condensed milk and extracts to your crock pot, whisking to combine. Stir in salt, cocoa powder and chocolate, whisking again. Cover and cook on low for 2 hours. You want to stir and whisk every 15 minutes or so, making sure the chocolate melts nicely and is thoroughly distributed throughout the mixture. The best thing I can say here is to "know" your crockpot. I knew that mine could sit on low for a few hours while being mixed at least once every 30 minutes. After a while it began to thicken and bubble on the sides, so I left it on but removed the lid and whisked well. Just keep your eye on it and whisk everything together. Before serving, add coconut to a small saucepan and heat over low heat, stirring with a wooden spoon. Toast for 5-6 minutes until golden. Let cool, then add to a paper or ziplock bag and crush with you hands under small flakes remain. To serve, rim the edges of a mug with some frosting or glaze or something sticky, then dip the rims in the toasted coconut flakes. pressing gently to adhere. Pour hot chocolate in the mugs and garnish with whipped cream and marshmallows.
If you don't have a crockpot or are wary of using your crockpot, you can definitely make this in a large stock pot. Cook over very low heat while whisking, stirring until totally combined. Continue to stir along the edges where chocolate may stick and burn.
➵ Drink 5: Good Old Apple Cider
Recipe from: my brain :O
- non-fizzy apple cider (can be bought almost anywhere)
Place desired amount of cider in a microwave safe cup and microwave for around 1 minute. Enjoy!
I literally drink this every year and it is the best thing ever, so I hope you enjoy this little piece of my life :)
As always, don't forget to follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Google+, Bloglovin', and all that fun stuff :)
Love ya ♥︎
- ash
Tip 8: Falling Into Things To Do (Fall Series)
Hey there. Before I start I just wanted to thank those of you who left such heartfelt comments on my last blog post. This is such a lovely community, and you are all such lovely people :)
So it's autumn. I don't like calling it fall, as I feel like it reminds me of Taylor Swift. According to her, everything that falls gets broken, but rubber ducks don't break when they fall, so she's wrong, and therefore I'm going to call it autumn. CapitĂł?
This is my little list of things to do this fall. It isn't a bucket list or a recommendation list. Oh well maybe it is... I'll let you decide.
➵ Wear some slippers
What? It's quite a necessity. I've been wearing mine since the start of September, but they're so nice and fuzzy. The colder moths make me love staying inside and they also let me get away with my love of fuzzy items. The slippers I've been loving for years now are these brown ones from Bearpaw. They're technically classified as clogs, but we are going to accept the fact that they are now slippers. (If you'd like you can check the style out here, the original website no longer carries them).
➵ Jump in fallen leaves
Unless of course, you can jump on those still in the tree. In which case I'd like a turn too. Unfortunately, here in California we haven't really had any leaves fall off yet, and the only one I could find wasn't even fully brown. But as soon as those leaves start falling, I'm going to be jumping.
➵ Bring on the scarves
And the awesome knits. And the warm beanies. No worries guys, we're definitely going to come out with some outfit tips, but Autumn is the perfect time to layer. I love warm clothes and scarves. I occasionally wear them during our hot summers, because lets face it, I'm a winter kid. I am also including Autumn as a part of winter. Rainy season perhaps.
➵ Chill under a cozy blanket
There is absolutely nothing better than curling up under the covers and watching some Youtube. I am so guilty of this. My habit lately has been to slip on my headphones and watch some vlogs. I absolutely am in love with Hannah Maggs and her family. (You can watch their vlogs here)
➵ Paint your fingers autumn-y
I actually mean paint your nails, but fingers will work as well. It's honestly up to you, but here in California we prefer to paint our nails. Anyways, Autumn brings on a fun range of new colors: deeper reds, lighter grays, and even some gold. If you're a bit more daring, you could definitely try out some sparkly polishes. The ones in the picture are listed from left to right, in case you're interested :)
Essie - Wicked 352; Jenna Hipp - Shaken Not Stirred; Sally Hansen - Ring-a-Ding! 501; Sally Hansen - Coco-a-go-go; Jenna Hipp - All About You |
This post will have a part two, so be on the lookout for that! I'm not exactly in the most Autumn-ish mood, because it's still 80 degrees here, but trust me, in a few weeks I'll be unstoppable. Because I'll be fall obsessed... does that even make sense...?
Ash'll see you guys this Friday... and I guess that's it!
Until next time,
Hello everybody! I hope you had a great weekend... mine was busy... and too short. Honestly, I think all weekends should be three day weekends at least because I could definitely use the time to, oh I don't know, maybe sleep or something.
Before I formally begin, I would like to thank everyone out there who is reading this or has read our blog before. I hopped on my computer yesterday to check the blog email and so I thought I would just take a peek at the blog stats and OH MY GOSH was I shocked. We had over 30 views yesterday! You probably would have laughed if you were with me in the room at that moment. My jaw literally dropped open and I can't thank you enough. Life gets pretty tough sometimes and looking at that just made me so much happier.
Anyways, who's excited for the Monday tip post?! I am! By the way, read through to the end to hear a rather exciting announcement!
As you may or may not know or realize, the first official day of autumn is tomorrow, Tuesday, September 23. So, in honor of this wonderful season where leaves fall and everything just feels so tumblr-y, Ana and I thought, "Hey, let's make a 'Fall Series' of tip posts!". Without further ado, I hereby declare that this post be number one of our Fall Series, Tip 7: Getting Ready for Fall!
Note: For some very odd reason, the "➵" symbol reminds me of The Hunger Games, in which a lot of Katniss' outfits are very fall-ish. Therefore that will be the symbol for fall.
➵ Tip #1: Redecorate
A lot of people (especially YouTubers) buy decorations that they place around the house for that added effect. You don't need to do this, but I like to think of fall as a comforting season, so scented candles and "fall" colors always seem to make their way into my room somehow. Ideas for things you can use to redecorate are: scented candles, throw pillows, extra knit blankets, fairy lights, pumpkins, etc. Really it's up to you, so choose your poison.
➵ Tip #2: Clean Out Your Wardrobe
Trust me, I know that almost nobody actually WANTS to do this, but sometimes it's for the better. I just recently switched rooms and had to move my closet, so what I did was pull everything out and lay it around so I could see it and then decide what I didn't wear or what didn't fit. I put that stuff aside to either donate or give to my younger sister. Then I looked at what was more "summer-y" and what was more "winter-y". I honestly don't have enough clothes to take stuff out and put it under my bed or anything, but the things like tank tops and short shorts I moved to the side of the closet so that the warmer pieces were more central and easier to find. Not a bad system, if I do say so myself.
➵ Tip #3: Get Your Stomach Ready
Okay, this sounds very strange, but what I mean is that you should try eating foods that only exist in the fall. For example, the local grocery store sells these AMAZING sweet potatoes that I love to death, but they only sell them from October until December/January. Therefore, I basically force my poor mother to buy out all of the packages. THEY'RE MINE PEOPLE! You get the idea.
➵ Tip #4: New Season, New Mindset
Wow my titles could not be any more vague. Fall is a new season. As MKTO said, and I quote, in "American Dream", "Do something with your life!" No, you do not need to change the world this fall, but change how you approach obstacles. When something gets in your way, evaluate the situation and deal with it calmly. I got in a fight with my mom earlier, and yes I yelled, but I took my phone and went for a walk. I was able to cry it out while talking to my friend on the phone, and that made facing my mom much easier (I think things are better now). You have so much to look forward to, so keep your chin up and your smile on (psh I'm not tacky at all).
➵ Tip #5: Have Some Fun!
Decorate, rake some leaves and jump in the pile, or get some Starbucks with friends (I don't even want to know how much money I will be spending there as soon as it gets cold enough for a Pumpkin Spice Latte). Yes, fall is generally associated with back to school, but make it fun! That's all that really matters.
Now for the big announcement! Recently I went on Twitter and I was scrolling through my feed when I noticed a series of posts from @chloesconcept about her campaign. I decided to look further into it, and Ana and I have decided to join Chloe in her campaign against bullying and for self-esteem. It's pretty exciting for us to have this opportunity, and the idea behind the campaign really touches a sensitive spot for me especially since I did in fact have some troubles with being bullied a few years back. I guess some people just don't realize how absolutely stunning you are.
So that's all for today! I hope you enjoyed my (dare I say it again) on-time blog post! Comment down below how long you think weekends should be (and don't you dare say less than 3 days - I'm kidding - or am I?)! Also, follow us on Twitter and Instagram @twotimeslife !
Love ya ♥︎
- ash
➵ Tip #4: New Season, New Mindset
Wow my titles could not be any more vague. Fall is a new season. As MKTO said, and I quote, in "American Dream", "Do something with your life!" No, you do not need to change the world this fall, but change how you approach obstacles. When something gets in your way, evaluate the situation and deal with it calmly. I got in a fight with my mom earlier, and yes I yelled, but I took my phone and went for a walk. I was able to cry it out while talking to my friend on the phone, and that made facing my mom much easier (I think things are better now). You have so much to look forward to, so keep your chin up and your smile on (psh I'm not tacky at all).
➵ Tip #5: Have Some Fun!
Decorate, rake some leaves and jump in the pile, or get some Starbucks with friends (I don't even want to know how much money I will be spending there as soon as it gets cold enough for a Pumpkin Spice Latte). Yes, fall is generally associated with back to school, but make it fun! That's all that really matters.
Now for the big announcement! Recently I went on Twitter and I was scrolling through my feed when I noticed a series of posts from @chloesconcept about her campaign. I decided to look further into it, and Ana and I have decided to join Chloe in her campaign against bullying and for self-esteem. It's pretty exciting for us to have this opportunity, and the idea behind the campaign really touches a sensitive spot for me especially since I did in fact have some troubles with being bullied a few years back. I guess some people just don't realize how absolutely stunning you are.
So that's all for today! I hope you enjoyed my (dare I say it again) on-time blog post! Comment down below how long you think weekends should be (and don't you dare say less than 3 days - I'm kidding - or am I?)! Also, follow us on Twitter and Instagram @twotimeslife !
Love ya ♥︎
- ash
Tip 6: 40 Things To Make You Happy
Hey there. So today's tip post is a little filler, as it's an in between type of thing. We'll be starting our next theme this coming Monday, so be on the lookout for that! I apologize for the late post once again, but I really wanted to make this a post worth reading, so I decided to wait until Tuesday so I could edit it and add a few pictures. You must be aware of how much I love my pictures :)
I know that there are hundreds, maybe thousands of posts with this same title, or same general idea. However instead of just coming up with 40 generic happy things, I've decided to fill up these numbers with 40 things I do when I'm not feeling too great. Some of these are things I do everyday, while others are for my really bad days.
Before I start, I just want to say that although you may not be interested in some of these things, give a few of them a try. I think they might help you, if not as greatly as they help me :)
- Watch Zoella's daily blogs
- Take a bath with a lush bath bomb
- Randomly open an old book and read from that page
- Look at photos hashtagged "light posh" on tumblr
- Drink a cup of peppermint tea
- Take a walk with your earphones playing your favorite playlist
- Laugh at an old episode of the Big Bang theory
- Give in and eat a cookie
- Go to Starbucks, order a grande drink, and people watch
- Write your thoughts down
- Kick a soccer ball, play some tennis, whatever you do that goes along those lines
- Make yourself hot chocolate with extra marshmallows
- Go through old photos and smile at the memories
- Sleep. It's the answer to everything
- Read a blog ~ twotimeslife.blogspot.com seems like a cool one :)
- Call up a friend and have a conversation, instead of messaging
- Doodle
- Visit a greenhouse or a plant shop and marvel over the neat flowers
- List things that make you happy(I'm fond of lists, that would be on the top of my list. Hehe)
- Visit a Japanese Tea Garden
- Dance in the rain
- Write someone a handwritten letter
- Eat some icecream with the sprinkles piled on
- Google something you've never thought to google before
- Watch Emma Watson interviews
- Sip some coffee with a friend
- Sit on a park bench and observe
- Or read, or write, etc
- Visit a used book store
- Curl up with a new novel and read it from front to back
- Search for new music
- Bike around your neighborhood
- Explore and find a new café close to you
- Look at pictures of a place you want to go to (England and Germany this one's for you)
- Play an instrument (or pretend to?)
- Light some candles
- Watch a Julia Roberts movie
- Cook something really healthy
- Remember: For every minute you are angry you lose 60 seconds of happiness.
Until next time,
AnaTip 5: Studying Tips (BTS series)
I'm leaving Ana's intro up because it's pretty good but I got my internet fixed so... yay!
☞ Tip #1: Distraction FREE
☞ Tip #2: Just Do It
☞ Tip #3: Spread It Out
☞ Tip #4: Make It Fun
☞ Tip #5: Take Pride In Your Work
Follow us on Instagram and Twitter (@twotimeslife) to keep up with what we're doing, and comment anything you'd like on there. We really do want to hear what you have to say... but I'm just warning you that we both talk a lot... maybe a little too much. Oh well :)
Love ya lots ♥︎
- ash (and a touch of Ana :P)
Tip 4: School Style (BTS Series)
Hey friends! So for today’s tip Ash thought it would be cool to do something with school style, and I decided to give it a shot. I’ve picked one theme for everyday, and theres a picture of my example of the outfit. Not everything is really my style, lots of the things are just observations I’ve picked up from school. I hope this helps you get a bit of an idea or inspiration. Unless you have a uniform… then you can just scroll along anyways:)
Monday: Still Summer
This is basically just a typical summer outfit: a tanktop, some shorts, and a pair of cute flip flops. However, so many people wear this, so it was a must for this post. If your school’s like mine, you may not be able to get away with spaghetti straps, but no worries, cardigans can be your best friends.
Tuesday: Girly
My style is so not girly, but I tried:) Crop tops and skater skirts are really common right now, and you can dress them up with sandals and accessories, or play them down with some vans. Regardless, you need a hair bow. It seems like a necessity.
Wednesday: Sporty
So this is basically one of my favorite outfits, and I kind of want that sweater really badly:P
White vans, athletic socks, running shorts, and your favorite tighter tee shirt. That’s it. No wonder it’s basically all I wear.
Thursday: Casual
Casual is life. Jeggings or leggings and a plain top are always a go to outfit. It’s awesome because you can dress them up with some cute ballet flats, or roll up your jeggings/jeans and pair them with some converse. So much can be built with the basics, ya know?
Friday: Hold on
So naturally there are five days in a week. That means five outfits, right? So Ana, where’s the fifth outfit?
Well I thought of something as I would putting together the images above. These styles are stereotypical, what I’ve noticed the majority of the girls wearing. However, you’re unique. You shouldn’t stick yourself to a type of style(unless you want to). You should do whatever you want. If you want to wear sweats and soccer tee, go ahead. If you want to wear your favorite dress with your new chunky necklace, do it. Who cares about the people you go to school with or work with? Dress nicely, present yourself correctly, but be original.
“Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.”
Listen to Oscar Wilde. Seriously.
Love you all, and I hope you enjoyed that! As usual, check us out on social media, and comment anything you’d like down below. Even the color of your socks:)
Until next time,
AnaTip 3: School Essentials (BTS series)
Happy Tuesday everybody! I hope you had a fantastic day... even though it was yet another day of school.
Before I list my essentials, I just wanted to acknowledge the fact that just a few days ago a rather large earthquake struck Northern California. It measured at a 6.0, which was the biggest quake since the infamous Loma Prieta quake of 1989. My heart goes out to anyone who was hurt or who lost something because of this natural disaster, and I hope that life will just return back to normal. If anyone reading this was affected or knows someone who was affected by the quake, I just want to let you know that if you need to talk, both Ana and I are here (well not literally but you know what I mean).
Onto a more exciting note, here is our third tip and third installment in our back-to-school series, school essentials!
✎ Supplies
• Binders:
I like to have one binder per class because it keeps me more organized. Also, on the nights when I don't have homework or studying for, say, Spanish, I don't have to lug home my Spanish binder because I also keep my English stuff in there.
• Homework folder:
My mom actually came up with this, but it's 100% genius! Instead of carrying every single binder back and forth every day for that one homework worksheet, I simply carry a folder to every class and slip homework into it. That way, when it's time to go home, all I'm carrying is a folder and a textbook. Like I said, pure genius!
• Lots of loose leaf paper:
I actually prefer notebooks, but my teachers hate notebooks, so I always have tons of loose leaf paper for taking notes (and the occasional doodling).
• Writing utensils:
Pencils, pens, highlighters, pencil lead, erasers, etc. Better to have extra and not need it than be the awkward person asking the teacher for a pen.
• Planner:
Ana mentioned this in the tip before about staying organized, but I cannot stress this enough. GET A PLANNER. It will literally save your life. 'Nuff said.
✎ Personal Care
• THAT stuff:
Ladies, you know what I mean. I'm not going to waste time embarrassing myself telling you to bring the obvious. Even if you don't need it, you'll thank me later.
• Gum or mints:
Gum is literally life, but not all schools allow gum. Mints come in so many flavors, just like gum. This is perfect for that day that you accidentally eat onions at lunch, not remembering that the cute guy you've been staring at for weeks sits right next to you.
• Makeup and hair accessories:
I actually don't bring any makeup to school because I don't wear enough that it would need to be reapplied, but don't be afraid to bring touch-up makeup if you need or want to. Also, I like to store hair ties and headbands in my locker for gym or if I just get annoyed with my hair. It's also a good idea to carry a hairbrush of some sort so you can always just brush your hair out and throw it up in a high pony when necessary.
✎ Miscellaneous
• Phone / iPod:
I don't know about all schools, but I know that some schools allow you to listen to music and use your phone whenever you aren't in class, which comes in handy when you're like me and have pretty much no friends.
• Earbuds:
Just read above ;)
• Food:
And tons of it. A lot of people refuse to eat lunch, but that's just stupid in my opinion. You need to eat no matter what, so bring food. Done, end of story.
• Money:
I like to keep like 7 bucks in my backpack in case I need to buy food or take the bus or something like that. Emergency money is also good to have when you go to Starbucks and for some reason your gift card isn't working (don't laugh - that literally happened to me on Friday).
So that's all I have for you guys today, sorry about it being late (I know, I know, AGAIN) but y'all know how life is. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram and Twitter (@twotimeslife) for updates and sneak peaks!
Also, has anyone else read Looking For Alaska? I just finished reading it and omg talk about major crying fest (sorry I just felt this was necessary haha).
Look out for a new blog post on Friday… let’s see what Ana’s been up to!
Love ya lots ♥︎
- ash
Hey guys! So it's only my second week of school and I already have a ton of homework, but it's a lot less stressful because I've learned how to be orginized (sort of :P). Even though you probably already know how important it is to have organization skills, especially if you have 6 or 7 classes like I do, here are a couple of my tips for staying organized at school. Please remember that although I can be over organized at times, I'm not a pro, so you can definetly alter these to fit your needs.
✎ Tip #1: Color Code
This is something that can be done beyond average or below average. By this I mean that you can pick a color for every subject you're taking, and buy binders, folders, highlighters, etc. that are that color, or you can simply get a different colored binder/folder for each class. If everything is the same color it will take longer for you to find what you need, and may get confusing. Having different colored materials for each subject can be really helpful.
✎ Tip #2: Get a Planner
This is probably one of the best things I have ever done in my life. Getting a planner is sooooo
incredibly helpful. You write down what you need to do, and you'll never forget your homework! Just cross off what you've done, and do what you haven't - it's brilliant!
✎ Tip #3: Let Go of the Everything Folder
I know it's hard, but you must let go. Having an "everything" folder, or a folder where all your papers go, will not help you be organized. It's kind of like an excuse to not have binders and such, however the point of binders and special folders is to make things easy on you. There are lots of papers you'll get in work, or high school, and you don't want to lose them. So it's time to say goodbye to the folder.
✎ Tip #4: Dates
Okay I know this sounds pointless, but put the dates on your papers. It's really simple, but this way you'll always know what was given when. Some of teachers actually ask for you to put the date on things, so this way you'll already be ahead. This also helps if you're looking for something in a binder full of papers. Try it :)
✎ Tip #5: Have an Organized Backpack
Some people bring bags, others bring backpacks, (like me). Regardless, you should keep it clean and organized. This means get rid of wrappers, broken pencils, etc. Backpacks are heavy enough without the added junk, and this way it will be easier to find what you need.
Well those all of the things that I do to keep organized. Thanks for reading so far down, and leave me a comment if I helped you! We would love to get to know you guys! Ash will be posting this Friday, so don't forget to come back for that!
Tip 1: First Day of School (BTS series)
Hey beautifuls! Guess what time of year it is? Back-to-school time! And, because I love reading these almost as much as writing them, Ana and I decided to kick off our line of tips with a series of back-to-school themed posts!
JUST A NOTE: Today was mine and Ana’s first day of school, hence the delay in posting a tip. I am really sorry that it’s actually late Tuesday but I had homework (who knew?). I’ll do my very best to stay on schedule for the upcoming posts, I promise!
So without further ado, here is our first installment in our back-to-school series: Surviving the First Day of School!
✎ The Day Before
Do as much as you can so you don’t have to stress too much in the morning. It’s already difficult to get up so early since if you’re like me, you slept in the WHOLE summer (oops). The night before I start school I tend to shower, shave, pick out my outfit, pack a lunch, and pack my bag. Since the first day of school doesn’t usually require too many materials, all I usually pack is some paper in a binder, a planner to write down important information, pencils, food, and water.
✎ Tip #1: Smile
I’m not saying you should walk around like the Joker everyday, but if you smile at people in your classes or in the hallways, you’re more likely to make friends. Not only that, but I know that when I smile I tend to feel happier and more self-confident (even though I have some ugly braces).
✎ Tip #2: Be Yourself
This is literally the only thing my mom told me when I asked how to make friends. Just relax and act like you do around your other friends! If someone doesn’t like you or your attitude, they’re obviously not worth the time of day.
✎ Tip #3: Be Respectful
The first day of school is all about first impressions, especially if you’re starting at a new school. You only get one chance to make a first impression, so make it count. Instead of pissing the teacher off on the first day, try smiling and paying attention to what he or she has to say. They’re saying things to HELP you, not hurt you.
✎ Tip #4: It’s Just School
I don’t know about you, but I am so done getting all dressed up for the first day of school. Obviously I’m not going to wear sweatpants, but I’m not going to wear a fancy dress either. Dress nicely and do your hair… but not too much. Chances are you’ll be wearing sweats to school at some point, so why bother to try and impress people to the point where wearing sweats is unthinkable?
✎ Tip #5: Take A Deep Breath
Everything is going to be okay. If you mess up when playing “The Name Game” (like I did) just laugh it off. If you feel like you’re about to puke, just relax. Soon enough you’ll be so familiar with your school and peers that actually going to school will be so much more fun.
Okay, so that’s all I have for you today! I hope you enjoyed my little tip post… :) Feel free to reuse these tips, just be sure to give us credits! Also, don’t forget to follow us on Instagram and Twitter @twotimeslife, and tag your back-to-school related posts #ttlbts for the chance to have your post liked or commented on by us!
Love ya lots ♥︎
- ash
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