Things Look Up (week 25)
2015? Ana, come on! (week 24)
Hey there :) I hope you enjoyed this lovely picture of a kitty looking up. I thought it was cute.
I had a good week. Actually, I had a great week. There was no drama, no fighting, no friendships breaking, nothing. Like actually nothing happened. I had two soccer games at my school, one which we won 7-0 and the other which we lost 1-0, and a game at another school which was awful and we lost 4-0. My friend figured out how she's asking this guy to formal (put in action on Thursday...) and we laughed a great deal over imagining him wearing a tux. And a sombrero. Inside joke.
Anyways, on Friday our soccer practice basically consisted of sitting around and talking because we had a game the next day. I was able to go to the "quad" game, meaning 4 games back to back to back to back, for basketball against our rival school, which was really fun. We were chanting so much and ended up winning 3 of 4 games, which is really good. I discovered that my school is actually really sassy, which is kind of neat.
Saturday I woke up early to play soccer and then spent the rest of the day at my friend's house making random foods with her and my other friend. We made a green cake and since neither of them thought it looked appetizing, I took it home. It's just a green food-colored chocolate cake so I mean...
Today has consisted of homework and laying around and cleaning and eating (of course).
So that's basically it :)
Talk to you later,
- ash
2015? Ana, come on! (week 24)
If you're not sure what's going on with this blog, then don't worry, we aren't either:)
Hey, this is Ana. Long time no see, little blog. Hope things have been alright.
Me? I'm beginning to get better at this whole "high school" thing. Crazy how my life has changed, and turned so many pages in the mere matter of months. But now it's 2015. and almost my birthday. Yay!
My week was really laid back. We had two games, and we did alright. I went out to the mall with my friends to get ready for formal. I also ate a bag of hot Cheetos (gross... I know). To be honest, I've not experienced much drama(prepare for Ash's posts if you're looking for exciting things haha).
However, I've been feeling really chill lately. Things have been ok. Not great, but they've been alright.
I'm just going to plug in some things I've been loving, as I've not got much to say besides:)
-8tracks: ahh this is my life now! Here's my current favorite playlist: Harrey's Cup of Coffee
-Tumblr: my tumblr is a bit of a secret, no one really knows about it, but it's got my favorite things on it, and just scrolling through my account makes me smile.
- essiebutton: I can not believe I had never watched Esteè before! I love her so much! She's my new favorite youtuber:)
-my piano: I've started piano lessons and I love it so much! I now understand why no other instrument worked out.
-this picture, and I'll leave you with that
Rough Starts (week 23)
Okay, so the title can be very misleading but allow me to explain before you automatically assume that once again, my week was terrible.
Twenty-fifteen has actually been pretty good to me so far. I went bowling last weekend with a group of friends from school and it was actually pretty fun and the people were all cool. Even when I accidentally threw a ball across two lanes. It actually takes immense skill to do that though. Nonetheless, not too sure I will be invited bowling again anytime soon but that's not the point. It was fun and I was out late and I felt like a teenager. I felt like someone with no problems and no past and just a whole night of extreme weird and crazy fun to look forward to. And then of course my friend's ex-whatever he was (they had a thing but it never was really a relationship?) predictably attempted to hit on me via kik, but honestly I could care less because it's not going anywhere. Most likely because it's been a week since he last "kik-ed" me and I still haven't replied. It is what it is.
Also good, vaguely remember that friend I was talking about who I got into a fight with over something so stupid? If you don't well then there's your recap but anyways I think we're cool now. I mean we've moved past that so that's good but it's kind of a haunting reminder of how bad things can get when you take everything literally.
So my week wasn't terrible, just eventful (?). Of course it was the start of the new year, which meant the start of a new semester, which meant new topics and test and all that jazz (if you get the reference :P). It felt stressful, but overall it wasn't too bad. I passed my PE and Math benchmarks and my huge Spanish project from last semester, so it's all good (hopefully that doesn't jinx anything). Not too rough of a start, and hopefully it stays the same throughout 2015. I'm trying to make some changes to the amount of control I have over my life, and so far it's working pretty well.
Twenty-fifteen also means the start of the school soccer season, so we had 3 practices (including yesterday's intense conditioning) and 2 games, one of which we lost 2-1 and the other tied 2-2 but they cut the game we tied short by 20 minutes because it was getting dark and the school can't afford lights even though they can pay for a huge football team and cheerleading squad, but if you want to talk about that we can do it somewhere else.
I also started reconnecting with the aforementioned friend, but I have a feeling there's something I should tell her but I don't know how to say it so I'm going to type it and then decide. Or you can help me decide. So anyways, this guy that we fought over (for all purposes, "Guy 1") and I have known each other for years. Since we were like 3. He was one of my first best friends and we were pretty close until we went separate ways for Kindergarten. I didn't see him much after that, not until around 7th grade when I realized he was best friends with the neighbor I then hated. We didn't talk or hang out or anything much unless we were both with my neighbor (parents are friends), so it's not like anything happened. So of course I was reminded of his existence. But then nothing happened until what happened earlier this year (school year I mean) and now it's like he shows up everywhere I am. It's most likely entirely coincidental, but I've been walking the same way through the hallways since the beginning of freshman year and not once have I passed him before. But the other day, as I was walking through the hall with my friend (not the one I was in a fight with), he walked by me. And I hate drama. I can't stand it. I don't want a repeat of what happened, so I looked ahead. I walked by like he wasn't even there but I could see him out of the corner of my eye and I could see that he was looking at me and I could see that he was smiling and I could see. And my friend could see, as she so politely pointed out afterwards that he smiled at me. Like smiled at me. And honestly when I walked by him I felt something. I don't know how to describe it but it was almost like an AHA! moment. Except I don't know what I was AHA!-ing. I had tried to forget about him for the past month and focused on the fact that there's another guy (the same Guy 2 as before) and now I don't know what to do. I don't know if I should say something or forget about it or what and I don't know how to handle it. So I'm sitting in my house ignoring my homework and watching episode after episode of Switched At Birth, trying to formulate a way to figure things out and I think that if I go this next week not thinking about anything related to either guy, I will be able to sort things out in my head.
So, not AWFUL, but not normal. Rough starts. It's a rough start but things can change so I'm looking forward to it.
Be sure to comment or something because I'm thinking about doing an updates kind of post within the next week or so and I want to get this blog back to where it was before I started slacking off.
Love you :)
- ash
In The End, It's All The Same (week 21)
So it appears that this would be the last blog of 2014... lucky me :) But Ana gets the first post of 2015 so... It's all the same.
Happy Hannukah! Merry Christmas! Happy Kwanza! I tried to incorporate as many holidays as possible, believe me. Personally, I celebrate Christmas, but my family isn't even religious so I'm not too sure how that started happening. I know people that actually go to church and everything on Christmas, and that's basically the only time they ever set foot in church. Unless of course they forget their phone and have to go back in to grab it. I don't know. Anyways, hopefully you had a wonderful holiday or even just a great day. I was lucky enough to be spoiled rotten with gifts, and I can't tell you how thankful I am for every single one of them. I think I'm honestly just lucky enough to be able to spend the holidays with my family. But my new phone is pretty cool too ;). I can't wait to try out the camera... I just need a case on it so I don't drop it and break it since it's so darn big (iPhone 6, if you're wondering - yes, I'm pretty much a basic white girl). I also got money, which is awesome since I always seem to run out of it when I want something. And I'm planning to sell my old phone on eBay or something for a little extra cash... If you're looking for a gently used (it's 2 years old but looks brand new) iPhone 4S, feel free to contact me and we'll talk.
As for today, it is currently noon and I am still not dressed. I have a beautiful memory canvas that my friend made me (it has pictures of us from age 4 to now) and some fairy lights to hang on my wall, and errands to run. And I think Ana and I are going to go do some shopping to see what deals we can score. And to catch up of course. We haven't really been in touch lately, unless you count me reading her every blog post. That sounds way creepier than I intended it to.
I'm going to end here because I'm super tired.
Love ya guys, and don't forget to follow us on our social media, as usual:)
- ash
Finally Finals (week 20)
That title is so misleading, but it sounded nice so I kept it anyways. To be honest, I'm not quite sure what's going on with this blog, but I thought I'd post a little weekly round up anyways.
This week was pretty sad, as it consisted of two exams for four days. This made me lose even more sleep, get the worst under eye circles, and near a break down. Oops..
I then slept for 12 hours today (friday-wow a post on time woohoo!) and texted Ash. After Eating some cold pizza I got ready and met my friend to go out for the afternoon. We went on a quick stop to the shops to pick up some bits and peices, and then went on to join the rest of our friends for some bowling. Cheesy, I know.
I actually won our game of bowling by nearly 45 points, which kind of shocked me. I also had something pretty funny happen to me, but I can't write about because then Ash will read it and I won't be able to tell her when I see her over the break.
Anyways, my weekly summary was awful, and my finals were terrible as well. So heres a super christmassy picture to brighten it all up:
hope you had a nice week!
let me know what you were up to in the comments!
P.S. yay for 20 weeks of blog posts!
A Night To Remember, And One To Forget (week 19)
Hey :) I will admit I did not have a good week. And therefore I am not in a good mood. It's not even one thing that's contributing to my down-ness, it's more like everything. I'll start with last week, as that is where everything started falling apart.
Last week was pretty normal up until Friday. I had soccer practice every day except for Monday, as I had a pre-season game that night. We won 5-0 :) but it didn't count for anything, so it doesn't really matter. It matters to me. Other than that, it was the last week of normal school since this week was "Dead Week" and next week is Finals (the stress). I was starting to feel better about myself, up until Saturday and Sunday. But I'm not there yet. Friday night my friend had a "kickback" (aka a small party) with only like 12 people, mostly guys but they're all pretty cool. We all go to the same school (although one of them thought I was a sophomore at another school, which was really funny when I told him I was a freshman at the same school), and pretty much spent the time playing "beer" pong (IT WAS SODA DO NOT WORRY) and listening to the guys tell stories about some of the crazy funny things they did in middle school. We tried playing truth or dare, but that didn't go too well. It was fun and the only bummer was that I had to get up at 6 AM the next morning for soccer and the kickback ended at 11. Saturday morning I had a soccer game versus Ana and her school (side note: we should have won ;) but don't tell Ana I said so), which we tied 1-1. It was a good game, I just wish it hadn't been so darn early. Don't get me wrong, I love soccer, but the times I have to get up kill me sometimes. Although I guess it's like that with all sports. Oh well, it's part of the sacrifice.
Saturday afternoon got very interesting and I'm still pretty pissed off. I'm not gonna lie, I was so pissed at one point I almost screamed. But I didn't. Because for some stupid reason I don't want my mom to know what happened. It's not bad but... let me just tell you.
Basically a while back my kind-of-friend (he's my neighbor and we're starting to get along better now than we did before - story for a rainy day) and some of his friends were telling me how cute I would look with this one guy who was their friend. And so it got me thinking. This specific guy (let's name him #1) is actually really cute, funny, and he plays soccer which is like a huge plus. And he's fast. And he's muscular. ANYWAYS (sorry about that), I kind of decided I kind of maybe sort of liked #1. But, I also kind of sort of possibly liked this other guy who is cute, funny, sweet, and also athletic but he doesn't play soccer (for all purposes, we'll call him #2) too (lol double two/too if you see what I mean). Moving on, one of my best friends went and hung out with #1 and this is how things went down (in text form of course because I'm bored and procrastinating on studying):
Me: I am so jealous that you're hanging out with #1. (side note: of course I actually used his name, but that's irrelevant)
BFF: Haha ;) I think we might hang out again soon.
Me: It kind of sounds like he likes you...
BFF: I hope he does.
That is literally what happened. Exactly what was said. I am not lying at all. I don't even care that she likes the same guy, but the way she brought it up pisses me off. It's not something that can be taken lightly, considering she had known for weeks that I liked that guy. It's literally the most stupid thing in the world to fight over, but I told her how it made me feel (like an adult) and asked her what we needed to do to prevent this from ruining our friendship. And then she got mad at me. No reason at all, she just did. Like I was the one who freaking started it. And now she won't talk to me. Won't look at me in the hallways, won't pass by me, won't even indirectly convey messages to me. Nothing. And I feel bad, but I'm sicking of blaming myself for everything.
This is getting really long, but basically she eats lunch with him and #2 now, so you can imagine I'm kind of really just done. And I almost fell into a trash can today in front of a bunch of seniors and #2 and his friends and nobody even cared. On the bright side, my friend and I made some bomb-ass (excuse my language) cookies for homeroom, so that was pretty exciting.
Honestly I think I am just way overstressed about everything. As soon as Finals are over I am hitting the couch and never leaving. I will spend my entire break in my pajamas and on the couch if it means not having to deal with anything anymore. And then comes a new year, and I am looking forward to some good resolutions because I need a change. And I need it bad.
What would you do if your best friend and you were in the same situation I'm in now? Do I text her and try to make things better? Or was the friendship never meant to last? I would love some advice... and I know that I am probably not the only person to have gone through something like this.
As always, follow us on our social media pages (New Year's Resolution #1: Focus on blog more...) to keep up with the latest information (New Year's Resolution #2: Actually update social media pages...)!
Talk to ya later ;)
- ash
Ash v Ana 1-1 (week 18)
Hey there. Hope you liked the fall (autumn :P) tip post series, can you guess what'll be next?
I waited until Saturday to post becauseeeee... I played a soccer game against ash!
It was fun, but we had to wake up super early and everyone seemed to be half-asleep. Well, that's alright. It was really cool to play against Ash and we actually ended up tying, so it was all good. Afterwards I went home and showered, resisting the urge to take a well needed nap.
I then spent the rest of the day with my dad, grocery shopping and just chilling, as you do. I also watched loads of vlogmas videos. Who's your favorite YouTuber to watch over the holidays? Mine is probably zoella, I love her daily vlogs!
I also ended up decorating my house for Christmas this week. I am so excited for Christmas (and our two weeks off of course). My house is now full of twinkly lights and pretty ornaments. We haven't gotten a tree yet though :(
Well that's a quick little wrap up of my week, do you leave me a comment letting me know how yours was.
That's all folks!
What Are You Thankful For? (week 17)
Good morning everyone on this bright and beautiful Saturday! Actually, it's rainy here and this is my fourth Saturday in a row... but same difference! My week really wasn't too exciting since most of the drama in my life happens at school and I was only there for two days (THANK GOSH), although I did have a somewhat social week. Take note of the fact that I just woke up, so if this doesn't make sense I apologize in advance.
Monday and Tuesday were normal days for me; get up at 6:30 and try to make myself look presentable, go to school from 7:45 until 2:20, hang out in the library until 3:15, and participate in school soccer practice from 3:30 until 5:30, or whenever she feels like ending. Never past 5:30 though. So I basically play soccer 10 hours a week now or more, which I can definitely feel in my thighs and calves, especially when I walk up stairs (ouch). My calves are actually larger than most guys', so I'm slightly embarrassed.
Wednesday was my first day off of 5, and I lounged around in my pajamas until I had to go up to school for soccer at 12:15, where we sprinted our butts off. Then I walked down to the mall with one of my teammates/friends, and we got Wetzel Pretzel and Starbuck's and Burger King fries for "lunch". It wasn't healthy in the least, but we deserved it. We tried playing "Two Truths and a Lie", but I was so awful at that that it was actually really funny. After taking my friend home, I went home and took a shower and put on some comfy leggings and a sweatshirt for a movie night with my other friend. We went for a walk, ate pizza, talked A LOT, and watched "The Giver", which actually is not as good as I thought it would be. I realized how much I missed her even though we see each other all the time at school, yet we can start a conversation and hit it off for 5 hours straight if we want to (and we have). It's a shame, but it's life.
Thursday was Turkey Day, formerly known in America as Thanksgiving. I did nothing until about 1 pm and then primped myself to go see my family and eat tons of food. It was fun, and my family is annoying, but I wouldn't trade them for the world (well maybe some of them... I'm kidding). I got to thinking about what I really am thankful for, and I couldn't decide. I'm thankful for everything. I'm thankful for my friends and my family and my best friends and my kind-of friends and my potential friends and my teammates and my classmates and even my enemies because they have all been a part in making me who I am today. The good times, the bad, the REALLY bad, have all taught me something or taught me to cherish something because you never know when it might be ripped from your very hands. I'm thankful for the life I have and the home I live in and the warm bed I come home to every night. I'm thankful that while my family is not rich, I am spoiled beyond belief and not being rich is teaching me to work for what you want. Not everything is going to be handed to you on a silver platter, so might as well get over it while you still have the opportunity to work for what you want. But most of all, above everything else, I am thankful for every single person or idea or object that was there for me when I wasn't there for myself. I have a somewhat dark and depressing past that still haunts me today, but it's the past and now's the present and I have learned.
Friday was Black Friday and I pretty much played soccer, ate, slept, and shopped. Not too exciting, but exhausting, which was why I forgot to post.
Hopefully you enjoyed this rundown of my week... I would love to hear how you celebrated Thanksgiving, or if you don't celebrate it, what you're thankful for! I forgot to mention I am extremely thankful for this blog and all those who read it :)
Talk to you soon,
- ash
Missing Summer (week 16)
Hey there:) This blog post is one I'm a bit surprised with, because to be honest, I've never felt like this before. I had gone swimming the other day, and the center was playing music that I payed no attention to. As I got worn out from my laps and the water that wouldn't warm up, I was shocked to hear them play a song I hadn't listened to for months.
If you happened to turn on the television during a World Cup game this past summer you're sure to have heard Shakira's song, "la la la", the self proclaimed World Cup anthem. That's what they had randomly played, and it seemed to blast me back to this last summer, one I hadn't even given a moment of thought to for the longest time.
I'm a winter kid. I love the cold, curling up under warm blankets around a toasty fire. In fact, there are times when I despise summer, with it's endless days and constant heat.
However, I miss the freedom, sleeping in, going on random adventures.
I have friends who I haven't talked to in weeks only because we're so busy we never get the chance. This past summer my days were spent with my closest friends, and we were in a haze, not noticing the time flying by, truly making memories.
I miss it. I don't know how else to say it. I want it back, and sometimes, sitting in a cold classroom, my hand writing with my mind turned off, I feel like I'm missing something.
It's not really the summer, but what was in it. I want to re-live it, but I can't. It was so amazing that I forgot to remember it. And that's alright I guess. One can just imagine.
I forgot to warn you about reading a somewhat deep post. I just felt like sharing. My old friends have seemed to stray away from me, and we can't even have normal conversations without me feeling like I'm being pushy. Maybe they want to hang out with their new friends? Maybe I'm boring them? I don't know, but the truth is, life's sort of messed up, but I guess things will be okay.
Hope you've been having a nice week
Leave us a comment telling us how it's been!:) see you on Monday!
Hello everyone! So for today's post (no it is not late, it is just late today) I want to give you an exciting and wonderful post, so I will be doing it in two parts, one tonight, and one on Monday. The reason for this is the infamous season called Homecoming.
I'm not sure how it works in other countries, but here in America, when the football teams play their last games against their biggest rivals, it is a big fiasco and celebration. It consists of two parts (hence two posts): the physical game, and the massive dance. Usually the game comes first and then the dance occurs later, but I know that some schools around here have the dance first. It depends on the school, I suppose. In any case, a lot of commotion is made around guys asking girls (lol not me because nobody likes me... my friend got asked though and she doesn't really even like the guy but she didn't want to say no...) in rather dramatic ways, including, but not limited to, posters, songs, performances, public "proposals", etc. You almost have to say yes but here's the thing that many people don't understand. When someone says, "Will you want pizza?", the answer is either yes or no. You have a choice. But for some odd reason, when the question is, "Will you go to Homecoming with me?", everyone feels obligated to say yes. Which doesn't make sense. Because if you don't want to, then why lie? Breh (Cali thing).
Anyways, today was our Homecoming game, accompanied by an in-school rally. They actually took time out of the day to rally us up. I don't mind. Most of my classes are boring anyways. Part of our rallies is the "scream contest" where people burn their throats trying to scream louder than the other grades. Last time the freshman came in last, of course, but this time was way more intense. There were people on other people's backs, football players doing flips, and noisemakers. So when it came time to announce the rankings, the senior in charge of it all (biased, I know, but whatever it's their last year, let them have fun) ran over to where us freshman were and I was like oh we got last again. BUT he ran over to the juniors and told them they were last. I was so shocked! I was shocked again when we got second (for hall decorating too)! We beat the sophomores and the juniors! Suck that people who push us around in the halls because we're younger - WE CAN YELL LOUDER THAN YOU!
Then, tonight we had our Homecoming games. I was literally at the field for 6 hours, watching the Junior Varsity and Varsity football games. And talking to friends. And stalking cute guys. But mostly watching the game. Maybe. It was actually really fun hanging out with people from my school and from the rival school because I went to middle school with mostly everyone who goes to the rival school. I even kind of made new friends haha. It was great, and although we lost the JV game, we won the Varsity game, making history since we haven't beat our rival school in football in 23 years! Pretty cool!
So, that's it for today... but stay tuned on Monday for Part 2 - all about the Homecoming dance and pre-party type thing that I went to. So yeah :)
Love you all :)
this is really long
- ash
It's November?! (week 14)
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photo from pinterest |
Hellooo! So since it's now November and the year's almost over (scary, I know), I thought I'd post a few things that I'd like to accomplish by the time 2014 does come to a close. This is going to be replacing my weekly summary, as I'm quite down in the dumps and the last thing I feel like doing is repeating such a terrible week. Okay, on a happier note, here they are:
- finish painting my room (so close, yet so not)
- find the happy little things that I so easily ignore
- call up some old friends I haven't talked to in a while
- get them crazy grades under control
- cook some meals (side note: Mac and cheese does not count)
- buy Christmas gifts! Yay!
- sign up for a race
- blog on a Friday-oops..
- start reading another novel
- catch up on sleep
That last one is so necessary, oh my goodness I'm a bit of a zombie now. Anyways, I'm going to go tackle my huge homework load. What are you planning on accomplishing before the year ends? Let me know in the comments!
This is Halloween (week 13)
Hello wonderful people! Yes, it is Saturday, and yes, it is November, but no, this post was not forgotten. You see, I spent my night last night collecting candy from strangers and proceeding to avoid watching a scary movie. And that was pretty much it.
My week was not exciting. I had a huge essay, several tests, and life to deal with. On the bright side, for once my biology class was fun because there was a sub so I just worked on homework and listened to music (I never said I set a good example). However, several of the guys in my class were being very annoying. However however, a couple of them are quite pleasing to look at. Also, I passed two of my benchmarks (mini-tests we have to pass to pass the class), so that was pretty cool.
The highlight of my week, by far, was yesterday. Funny how all our lives we are told not to take candy from strangers, yet that's precisely what we do on Halloween. Like being dressed in a costume and walking up to strangers' houses makes any difference whatsoever. Yeah, look at me, I'm dressed in all black pretending to be a ninja so therefore that makes me really scary and you shouldn't try to abduct me! America is weird.
My friends and I met up at one of our houses and started to trick-or-treat, focusing mainly on the treat part. The trick part came when we went to my other friend's house, who was at soccer and was meeting up with us later, and told her family that we were going to hide in her bedroom and scare her when she came home. So that's exactly what we did. Two of us were in the closet, one behind the door, and the other one (unfortunately me) was contorted to fit under a small table. Lucky for me though, I was the first to jump out and got to watch her reaction as we each took turns popping out. She kind of caught on and used her foot to open the closet though. Then we watched the video my friend had recorded, mainly laughing at my laughing because I sounded like some sort of whale. Reason number one why I tend to not laugh around strangers, people I would like to become friends with, or any guy remotely attractive.
So then we went around the neighborhood some more and were really only freaked out when a guy with a scary mask and a fake axe tried to chop off the ear on my friend's sister's pig costume. We were joking about bacon the whole rest of the night.
That was pretty much it, despite the scary movie we tried watching but (luckily) left before we could finish. How was your Halloween? Do anything scary?
That's all for now... sorry for the lateness of this post. It seems that I am incurably late for some strange reason. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram and Twitter!
Talk to you later,
- ash
(P.S. Did anybody else pick up on the irony that the week of Halloween was unlucky week 13 of blog posting?)
Mac? It's Almost Halloween! (week 12)
Hello everybody! How's it going? I feel like I keep apologizing about not posting on time. Maybe we can just all assume that I'll be late and get a pleasant suprise on the random blue moon when I actually happen to post on a Friday or Monday.. Or Wednesday.
Anyways my week was pretty calm, with nothing much to speak of. On Friday night I went to the mall with my parents for no reason. Turns out Mac was having some little dance show, and it was really cool. And a bit creepy.. But that's okay.
I was standing on the second floor, so here's a "bird's eye view" of the whole shabang.
I also went to a Halloween themed scary house thing. It was fun, and mellow when it came to being scary.
Overall, my week was just made up of various, unplanned events, but the one planned thing I've got is a fall tip post tomorrow! See you soon!
The Philosophical Meaning of "Okay" (week 11)
Hi guys :) I love Fridays so much. So so much. Why can't every day be Friday? Oh, wait... then Fridays would suck. So much for Friday every day.
Today is my sister's birthday. I'd tell you how old she is, but that's kind of personal. Just know that she's younger than me. In any case, that means that today is also my friend's birthday, my neighbor's birthday, and about 6 million other people's birthday. I guess you could say I'm in a good mood... although that always seems to change. Funny how my mood changes so drastically.
I had a not so exciting week. But there was no school on Monday, so that was pretty cool. I had to lead a conference between my teacher and mother yesterday, which was awkward but okay I guess. My teacher basically told me that I should try and get involved in school a little bit more, which is hard to do when I don't make friends very easily, I am beyond weird, and oh yeah! I don't really like people. I'm not saying people suck... just that I tend to like being alone a lot. Whatcha gonna do about it?
Since I am lacking inspiration, I wanted to discuss the philosophical meaning of "okay". We say "okay" all the time, whether we mean it or not. But what does "okay" really mean? Google it and you get a million different definitions that basically all say the same thing. "Okay" is used when you are not really agreeing with something, but it's acceptable. This week I realized how often I used "okay" when things actually weren't okay. It was called to my attention when I was texting Ana the other day. She said something, and I replied, and she said "okay". So I said "okay" back. But I don't think I was necessarily agreeing with what she was saying, considering she didn't say anything except "okay". Is it possible to agree with "okay"? I mean, I guess it's possible, but isn't that just repetitive? And because I am the strange human being that I am, I wanted to redefine "okay" to fit modern society's needs for the word. Yes, we say "okay" when expressing agreement, and no, Google is not wrong. But I think that above everything "okay" is a word we use when we have no other way of phrasing what we want to say or when we run out of things to say. It's almost like you want the conversation to keep going, but at the same time you wish to be anywhere else.
I'm sorry that the first look you had in my brain was so dreadfully boring, but sometimes the most important things you can learn about a person are revealed through what they think about. Who would guess that behind my strange personality is a girl who spends her time thinking about how the meaning of life is to discover the meaning of life? Nobody, that's who.
I hope you somewhat enjoyed this rather short post... comment down below words you think need to be redefined, and we'll talk ;) And as always, don't forget to follow us on Instagram and Twitter :)
See ya laterrrrr <3
- ash
Short posts for life bro!
Can you believe how crazy uneventfully busy my week was? Tonight I went out with Ash and played some fútbol. Afterwards we dropped in at the ice cream store and bought some ice cream (of course, what else would you buy?). Can you believe that Ash just got plain chocolate? *shudders* I got my bubblegum fix, as one must do. Now I'm stuck writing in my aunts house as my family decided this sleepy night was the best night to visit.
I'm off before my yawning ends up traveling through the screen.
Until next time,
(P.S. Sorry that there was no playlist post this week... we'll have that up this Wednesday for ya :P)
Freshmen Kick Grass (week 9)
Hi thereeeeeeeeee :) Can you even believe it's the ninth week of Two Times Life? Insane, huh? Time really does fly when you're having fun :P
Before I begin, I just want to thank every person who takes time out of their day to read our little blog. We've already had over 100 pageviews since this month started and it just makes me speechless that that many people care enough about our average lives. It warms my heart and makes me smile and laugh and gives me something to look forward to whenever I'm having a bad day. We've also been getting quite a few comments and they've all been so sweet, so, thank you so much and I truly do love every single one of you with all of my being. Stay awesome, okay?
As you can see, this whole staying on time thing kind of failed, but I have a very good explanation. This week was very eventful and it concluded in an overwhelming Friday full of fun. Last weekend, I was at Target with my mom and I saw these adorable socks that reminded me of fall so much, and since I had some extra cash I bought three pairs. That's normal, right?
(If you want to buy some of your own, you can order them online here)
Then, on Tuesday the power kept going out at school, which was annoying because of course the boys in my class couldn't handle it. Like seriously, have you never had the lights go out before?
Wednesday (the first day of October, yay!) and Thursday were short days for me, so I got out at 11 on Wednesday and 12:30 on Thursday. Funny how we always complain about lack of time but when we have tons of extra time, we have no idea what to do with it. Or maybe that's just me. I don't know. By the way, do these candles remind anyone else of Halloween?
Friday was so much fun. My school does Powderpuff Football (where girls play flag football against girls in other grades) to raise money for Breast Cancer Awareness, so of course I went. I actually regretted not playing, to be completely honest. I think I will next year. A group of friends and I watched the first games and proceeded to walk around and talk the rest of the time, stopping quite often to admire my friend's crush because he is sooooooooooo attractive *insert heart eyes emoji*. It even got to the point where we had him take pictures of us for no reason other than to look at him. One of my friends tried to imitate that "Mean Girls" scene by asking him what day it was, but he didn't get it. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, just look at this, made in honor of National Mean Girls Day).
After I hitched a ride home from my neighbor at 10 PM, I sat in my room eating popcorn, having a two hour long conversation with my friend, getting to the point where we actually made a list of attractive guys (it's normal). Staying up until 12 AM caused me to sleep in until about 10 this morning, when I got up and started chores and drew on myself (for a cause, of course).
And now? I'm just killing time until I have to go sweat to death playing soccer this afternoon in the 90 degree heat. The weather in Cali is more bipolar than me, I swear. This is the summer we were missing out on, just in time for fall. WHY?!
So that's it for now.... I hope you enjoyed reading this, and don't forget to watch out for the tip post on Monday. Also, follow us on Instagram and Twitter (@twotimeslife) and leave a nice comment about how your week went :) we really do love to hear from you all.
Love ya ♥︎
- ash
What a Rubbish Week (week 8)
Of course the week I'm supposed to blog about is awful. I started typing up my blog post on Wednesday, and I had a few ideas. I wanted to focus on one thing instead of summarizing, but my week did not improve as I had hoped. So here's my blog post, I'm warning you to read it with caution, because I am literally the best example of a Debbie downer that you will find on the Internet.
Ash and I were just talking about how 'emo' some of our blog posts were, "School sucks, people suck, life's terrible, etc." (Well sort of, the older posts are quite nice). However, our blog is honest, and the Friday blog posts don't hide anything. That's why this is a collection of a few paragraphs describing my honest, horrible week.
The truth is, nothing super bad actually stands out to me, be it because of there being so many little bad things that I just can't pick, or because that by Friday it's all mushed together into a summary of "ugh", I don't know. I can't pick a specific event to rant about, but I'm pretty sick of this high school stuff. How did anyone make it through this? Everything revolves around those blasted 7 or so hours I spend in a building. That's beyond crazy. What's worse is that I can't find a solution. I can't solve this problem, and it's messing with my head. I don't like this Ana, the helpless one that literally is only somewhat sane after downing a cup of coffee, and who's eyes have the darkest circles beneath them that they make black holes jealous. Seriously, what's happened to me?
I'm sorry that this post is rubbish, and that I've just complained and complained. I'm sorry that it isn't very long, or that there aren't any interesting stories. I'm lost, and I don't really know why. I know everyone has bad days, but it's feels kind of like a never ending stream of them, and I'm so stuck that I can't find the way out. I hope things get better for everyone. Thank you for dealing with my depressing blog post. I love you, and I hope your week was better than mine. If it wasn't, then here is a virtual hug *hug here*.
The quote above is just one of my favorite quotes from my favorite story, The Book Thief. It so perfectly explains how I feel. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a picture with words must be beyond that of which is imaginable. So I guess I'll leave you with that.
Because, as Liesel Meminger so nicely put it, "Everything was good. But it was awful, too."
Until next time,
Butoxydiglycol (week 7)
Happy International Talk Like a Pirate day! I have a joke for you: *in pirate voice* What's orange and looks like a parrot?
Wait for it...
A carrot! |
Kind of an unusual intro, but you can't blame a girl for trying.
Anyways, my week wasn't too interesting, so this post is mostly going to highlight some of the somewhat interesting aspects of this week.
First of all, how many people downloaded iOS 8? I'll admit it's got some cool features, but unfortunately I have too much crap on my phone so I have to wait until I either get a new phone or clean off the one I have now, and most likely the former will happen way before I even become motivated to clear my current phone (iPhone 4S, in case you were wondering).
Secondly, the only thing my history teacher could talk about was the Scotland election (kind of works out since we're studying forms of government, especially democracies). So of course, we got to hear the results this morning. SPOILER ALERT: Scotland stays in the UK.
Thirdly, my sister and I were crazy bored yesterday so we took an egg and threw it off our fence. It was pretty funny actually, although it kind of looks like vomit (and now there's a stain on the ground but whatever).
Moving on, you're probably wondering what in the world Butoxydiglycol is and why on Earth it is my title. You should know that I literally thought of titles all week and came up with absolutely nothing. So when my sister sat down to paint her nails and noticed this insane chemical that sounds like the word buttocks, I was like, "I MUST write that down!". So yeah, Butoxydiglycol is an ingredient in nail polish remover. I'm totally normal.
I had a revelation today as I was walking to the bus stop. I realized how much I really just want to live somewhere else. You must understand that I have lived in the same house my whole life, so my desire to move is quite called for. In terms of where I want to live, either Southern California (like the San Diego area), England, or Spain (along the coast somewhere). I don't know why, but I do :)
I suppose that it all... I have to go to dinner with a person I don't particularly want to go to dinner with in a few hours (thankfully it's my favorite restaurant), but I wanted to get this post up before nightfall because I'm working on the whole being on time thing.
Don't forget to follow us on Instagram and Twitter (@twotimeslife) !
Our accounts are slowly growing, but you have no idea how happy it makes me when I get a notification that we have a new follower or new like or new comment :) Literally, it makes my day!
Talk to you later...
Love ya ♥︎
- ash
Warning: Reading This Blog May Cause Joy (week 6)
Hey there! I'm so incredibly sorry about the late blog post, but I got home past 11 last night and after a week full of sleeping late and getting up early, my brain just sort of shut down. Here's the blog post though(we can just pretend it's still Friday).
My week started off this past Sunday, when my friend Jade and I got to hang out after weeks of not seeing each other. We used to spend almost every second together, but since she's a year younger than me, our new schedules clash and it's so difficult to make plans :(
That day we just went to our the mall, and walked around, ate lunch, and talked about everything. We then decided that we were in desperate need of a Starbucks (you must know the feeling), so we went over to Barnes and Nobles to sit down and enjoy a trente chai latte. No I don't normally drink a trente, don't worry:)
However Starbucks has a little flaw, believe it or not. They always spell my name wrong. I mean come on, how hard is it to spell Ana? Seriously, what is the world coming to. I took a picture just to prove it:
Seeing her was the best way to spend my Sunday, I really miss having her around. I think high school has made me realize just how much my friends mean to me, and it hit me hard the first few weeks. However, it's also resulted in me trying much harder to plan lunch dates and times to just hang out with the people I don't see too often. I guess it makes me love them even more when I do see them.
My overall week after that is seriously just a haze of school, soccer, and very little sleep. I think that clocks in school are specially programmed to go even slower than they're supposed to. The little men that move the clock hands are probably paid to make each minute longer. That's not fair.
In contrast to that, I'm going to record something quite enjoyable that was a great way for me to end my tiresome week. Last night, I went to a college soccer game with Ash and two of her friends that I now go to school with(we're friends as well, I can't seem to form my sentences correctly today:)
The game was super intense, and I loved watching the girls play. It was really inspirational. Being with my friends made it all the more fun, as did the whole bucket of popcorn that I devoured by myself.
In case you're curious, they won the game 1-0, and it was a brilliant goal. I unfortunately forgot to take a video. I know, tsk tsk Ana.
Because my week began on Sunday, I think that means I can end it on Saturday. That's today(although we're pretending it's Friday, ok?)
Today I had violin lessons, and after seven years, I'm finally beginning to love my instrument.
Afterwards, my dad and I painted my desk lamp and bedside table, and I can't wait for them to dry! They're so pretty and shiny. (They're white, but still). I also scavenged around our garage and found some unique fairy lights. Our garage is like a junkyard, and sometimes one can find the coolest treasures in there. Maybe one day I'll do a little room tour, although I need to finish up my room design first. Oh Ash, that's a good idea. Look at me, I'm like a little light bulb :)
To finish off, and to finally write my blog post, I've decided to use my last lush bath bomb and take a bath. Of course... What else would I do with a bath bomb...
It's such a beautiful one as well, and it splits into two pieces. This particular bath bomb is typically used at night, and it's making me quite sleepy although it's only noon. Oopsies.
If you'd like you can check it out here. I've used it twice and it's amazing. I'm a bit lush obsessed, but then again, who isn't?
Alright, there are the highlights of my week. I've also come to realize that I truly love taking photos for blog posts.I'm afraid I might go overboard, but that's alright. One can never have too many pretty pictures. Speaking of pictures, I’m going to finish off with a cute little warning about our blog.Instead of consuming, lets make believe that it says reading, shall we?
Until next time,
Get Off My Land, Dammit! (week 5)
Well TGIF, am I right? Sadly, I do not have any fantastic pictures or beautiful inspirational quotes that Ana seems to have an endless supply of, but I do have a great blog post (on time, too!).
So this week we only had 4 days of school because Monday was Labor Day. Monday I went to the water park with one of my best friends from elementary school and I got super sunburnt but it was totally worth it. Then Tuesday I was basically bored out of my mind because it was Tuesday, which just means school, homework, and little sleep. Wednesday was just boring old Wednesday, except I had the “lovely” pleasure of getting a ride home with my neighbor and his friend.
Things got more interesting on Thursday (or Thorsday, as we learned in English). We started swimming in PE, which actually was not that bad except for the fact that the air around the pool was freezing, and then I got measured and ended up being 5 feet and 6 inches, putting me 2 inches taller than my mom and 3 inches taller than Ana (haha sorry :P). After school I did homework and read some fan fictions on Wattpad (if you know of any really good ones comment down below), mostly reading the fanfic and not doing homework (shhhhhhh don’t tell my teachers). After that I had soccer practice, which is where my title comes from. We were just casually doing our overlap drill and our coach stopped us to explain something when out of nowhere, he points at some people who were practicing and says, “I wish they would move, they took our space.” And because we are a team of teenaged girls, we came up with “Get off our land”. Then some girls were talking about what they were allowed to say at school based off of what was in “The Book” (I’m not religious but I’m assuming the Bible) and then we added “Dammit!”. So the big joke of the night was “Get off my land, dammit!”.
Friday got even more interesting; by far the best day of the week. It was a short day, and since I only take 6 classes I got out at 11:50 AM, which was pretty awesome. Before that however, I managed to find a hatred for not having lunch because my locker is on the other side of school from my classes, take a selfie with one of my friends and another kid who is pretty cool, spend most of English joking with the guy sitting next to me, forget my binder in English, and waste all of my time in Biology working on a quiz but really actually thinking about getting my binder back. As soon as the bell rang, I ran back to English and, thankfully, my teacher had put my binder in a safe place. So I went to my locker and walked to Starbucks, ordered my usual of a grande passion iced tea with sweetener (one guy actually knew it was for me lol), and caught the bus home. Which is where I sat watching TV until Ana came and we went and played soccer (no I can’t shoot but that doesn’t mean you get to laugh at me, okay?).
And now? Well I’m just sitting watching some movie about the Cold War and typing this post (duh).
To wrap it up, I can’t top Ana’s ending to her last tip, but I can tell you one thing. Things are going to go bad. A lot. A lot a lot. But that doesn’t mean you need to be down all the time. Eat some ice cream, cry, and then move on. Trust me, it will get WAY better - but only if you want it to. And if not, this picture always makes me smile:
So, that will be all… as always, follow us on Twitter and Instagram (@twotimeslife), comment down below (tell me your favorite ice cream flavor), and talk around! We really want to get this blog off the ground, and we can use all the help we can get!
Love ya lots ♥︎
- ash
Sometimes It Helps to Forget (week 4)
This week was my third week of high school. Things are getting normal. I'm getting the hang of it, more or less. However I'm not in the mood to talk about the homework, the teachers, my English partner, etc. Instead I thought I'd talk about something else. An escape.
I've had a friend of mine from Germany stay over for a month and a half, and this past weekend was her last weekend here. She's four years older than me, but she's a bestie. Hey there Mitra, if you're reading this:)
She and I went to a beach on Sunday. (When I was younger I despised beaches, but no worries, I've learned to love them.) It was her birthday, and it was purely delightful. The sand was littered with sand dollars, and the water took them away and then released them, again and again. The sky was amazing, the weather was perfect, and I didn't have to think about anything.
We walked along the sand taking photos, playing tag with the waves, and searching for the perfect sand dollar. We talked a lot at times, but some of the best moments were the silent ones, with only the waves as the background.
I realize I've gone insanely poetic on you, I'm just trying to set a scene :)
We must have walked over a mile, but the distance was nothing compared to the ocean and the amazing scenery. The sky was also feeling artistic that day, in case the picture above doesn't display that enough.
We completed our day eating a giant pizza with my family, and chilling at home. Not even the sand in my hair could alter my immense happiness. It's amazing how doing something so simple can make me so happy. Try that sometime. I promise that it helps.
We must have walked over a mile, but the distance was nothing compared to the ocean and the amazing scenery. The sky was also feeling artistic that day, in case the picture above doesn't display that enough.
We completed our day eating a giant pizza with my family, and chilling at home. Not even the sand in my hair could alter my immense happiness. It's amazing how doing something so simple can make me so happy. Try that sometime. I promise that it helps.
In the end, we collected a huge bag of sand dollars that we washed and decided I would put in my room. It's a reminder of the day I was able to forget everything and enjoy myself. It doesn't happen too often.
However, a few other nice events occurred this week, here's my favorite:
Barefoot and smiling he approached us, and told Ash to shot with her laces. He said it would help her score. He then decided to stand in goal and play goalie. How cute is that? (I thought it was adorable).
I'm learning that life kind of does what it wants to do, and that you have to take charge, set up times to go on adventures, schedule a day to meet in a cafe, so on, so forth. If not, life will go on, and you won't have a say. That doesn't work for me, because talking is my forte.
Overall, I'm so glad I got to hang out with two of my closest friends. These little things get me through the tough week, and I probably wouldn't make it very far without them. Thanks little things. And thank you, for reading this. You make my week better, too :)
Alright I hope I didn't get too philosophical on you, I'll let you be now. Thanks for reading down to here, although I know it wasn't too far. I'm still working on writing like this. I'll master it someday.
Go ahead and check out some of the pictures on our Instagram, we took some snazzy ones at practice. I've also got a few in this post, cool eh?
Okay okay byee!
Taylor Swift Actually Made Me Smile (week 3)
Hey beautifuls! Hooray for surviving the second week of school… if only my week had actually been good. Unfortunately, it seems as though Ana and I both got a week of awful and just happened to both blog about it.
Anyways, the week started out fine, but then they screwed up our lockers, and that’s where my problems started. Of course the teacher I had was absent, so I didn’t get my locker until Wednesday and when I finally found it it was a disgustingly dirty bottom locker on the other side of the school from my classes. Not only that, my friend got a perfect top locker where all the upperclassmen have their lockers. Wonderful. I guess we know who's going to request switching lockers next year.
My problems on Friday essentially started first period. I got so much homework, in fact the most I’ve gotten all week, and I actually have a social life this weekend (getting a henna tattoo), which is like a first since before school started. Except for when I was nominated for the ALS ice bucket challenge (which actually isn’t too bad - at least if you do it in direct sunlight on a warm day). Anyways, then I got homework in Gym which made me laugh because it’s just gym, right? No, it’s not. We have to read an article and answer some questions that require us to cite evidence. I will probably cry when I do that assignment.
The rest of the day pretty much went like that and then I had even more issues to deal with after school. In addition, the only girl I was friends with going into high school seems to be more concerned with impressing her other friends and the boy she’s been stalking silently. We’re still friends but to be completely honest, I don’t know for how much longer.
There were some good parts to my week to, such as making a few friends and getting my braces off (my teeth are so straight it’s crazy), but that was about it.
Friday evening I just chilled at home and ate a burrito while watching TV. Then I stayed up until midnight listening to “Shake It Off” by Taylor Swift, which is such an inspirational and upbeat song, so that was fun.
So that’s how my week went… Comment down below your latest song obsession and don’t forget to follow us on Instagram and Twitter @twotimeslife !
Love ya lots ♥︎
- ash
Moms With Cake Are The Best Types Of Moms (week 2)
Hey there. So this was originally going to simply be a first day of high school post, however my first day was awful, so I figured I'd supply you guys with an overview and afterthought of the week, so it wouldn't be depressing :)
A little background information: I went to the same school from kindergarten to eighth grade, with mostly the same people, and the same group of teachers. My high school has 1,500 kids in it, and Ash isn't one of them(insert my saddest face here). That already sets me up for the unavoidable fate of, "I don't know anyone, and everyone already has friends."
On my first day I had to get my schedule changed twice, missed two classes, and basically stressed out more than I needed to. I sat with some girls I didn't really know, and I already had loads of homework by the end of the day. I'm going to be honest here, I got really upset and did the thing where water comes out of your eyes... (At home of course). The positive note is that my mom is amazing and got me cake, almost as if she knew I would need it, so it wasn't too terrible.
However things got much better after that. On day two I finally found a girl I had been friends with in elementary, and one of Ash's friends who's incredibly nice. We sat together, and I think we're kind of a little group now. It's a lot nicer than sitting alone.
I've also made a couple friends in other classes, and I've managed to memorize my schedule and locker combos. I'm beginning to get the hang of things. My only problem is my bio teacher, but please don't tell her I said that.
Overall, I learned a really valuable lesson. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to sound like your parents, but when something goes wrong, you can't just give up. You have to keep trying, because things will get better. If you work towards something, you'll achieve it. Or buy cake. It makes everything better.
Thanks for reading, and I'll see you guys on Monday with a tip:) I promise that these posts will get longer, I've just run out of time and I'm too exhausted to write more. (Oopsies)
Goodbye Summer (week 1)
Hello world! Or at least the portion of the world that is reading this… Anyways, today marks the first official day of TwoTimesLife (woo hoo!) and if you have already seen our first Instagram post, you would know that this account is run by two teenage best friends, Ana and myself, Ash. If you haven’t seen that yet, then be sure to follow us on Instagram and Twitter @twotimeslife :)
And now (drumroll please)... our very first blog post!
Leave it to me to make all my plans during my last week of summer break. It hasn’t been too bad though, seeing as I got to go camping (and am going again tomorrow), shop with Ana, and get my schedule for the upcoming school year. Since that was most of what happened, that’s what I’ll blog about!
Camping is fun, always has been, always will be (unless there’s no toilet - this one’s for you Ana). I would definitely say that if you have never been tent camping, you should try it. It’s not as bad as some people make it out to be.
Ana and I spent the hours at the mall the other day. It was a successful trip, considering I got two shirts, a belt, and a pair of jeans and Ana got jeans, body spray, shirts, and everything else (oh the perks of having gone to a school with a uniform). We talked a lot about this blog and our plans and hopes for it over a fantastic lunch of Subway sandwiches (can’t beat it for 4 bucks!). Then we played around on our blog for a while, setting up the theme and talking about posts and such.
Finally I had my freshman orientation where I got my schedule, saw where my classes were and got a tour of the school. My schedule is pretty nice actually, due to the fact that I am only taking 6 classes versus 7, but it kind of sucks that I have no classes with the one friend I have (going to my highschool), and my second class is Gym. At least I have a longer break between Gym and Spanish. However, I do have my least favorite classes back-to-back (History and English, if you were wondering). What are/were your least favorite classes? Let us know down below (I’m a poet and I didn’t even know it - you should know that I'm a lot funnier in person).
I hope you enjoyed my somewhat boring blog post… Comment when you start school or work, and follow us on Instagram and Twitter (@twotimeslife) for weekly updates, exciting news, and spoilers before blog and tip posts! As always, feel free to leave tip requests below (especially for the back-to-school season) and maybe leave us wonderful comments to smile and laugh at!
Love ya lots ♥︎
- ash
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