Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Playlist 4 ♫: October 29, 2014

So I realize I've been kind of absent on social media and stuff... I really do feel bad, so I'll probably start a following spree or something and post some pictures on Instagram (leave us your Instagram and/or Twitter usernames and we'll be sure to follow :P). And because our schedule was thrown off, I thought I'd throw it back on track with a playlist post... so here goes!

Recently I've been really into listening to the Alternative stations on iTunes Radio and Pandora. Several songs have come up that I have forgotten the names to, but here are some of the songs I've been hearing a lot.

Sky Full Of Stars, Coldplay
(album: Ghost Stories)

I'm not sure if this really counts as Alternative, but whatever. Coldplay has always been one of my all-time favorite bands, so this heartfelt song really did not surprise me too much. I mean, it's just so good and so is Coldplay... so yeah lol. I like to listen to this song and look at the stars (tacky, I know) and even imagine laying under the stars with that special someone (even more tacky considering that special someone does not exist yet). I just can't even begin to explain my love for the song, as it brings me to tears every time it comes on.

Stolen Dance, Milky Chance
(album: Sadneccesary)

The first thing that drew me in was the catchy intro to this song. The singer's voice is also raspy with a little edge to it, so that's pretty cool too. There's not much more to say except if you haven't heard this song then you definitely should give it a listen.

Yellow, Coldplay
(album: Parachutes)

This song has always been a classic for me. I remember when I was little my mom would always be singing and humming it, so it's been in my life for a while. The lyrics are so sweet and symbolic yet simple, so I don't even know how you couldn't like it.

Shut Up and Dance, Walk The Moon
(album: Shut Up and Dance - Single)

I actually despised this song when I first heard it. But, like any leech, it grew on me and now I find myself singing every lyric whenever it comes on iTunes Radio. Something about the beat and the random "SHUT UP" in the middle of the chorus are just really intriguing.

Warriors, Imagine Dragons
(album: Warriors - Single)

Imagine Dragons is another one of my favorite bands, so there's really nothing else to say, but "Warriors" is amazing and really deep and I just love it so much lol #oops.

Dangerous, Big Data (ft. Joywave)
(album: Dangerous - Single)

This song is really upbeat and it's really fun to just kind of nod your head to, if that's something you enjoy doing. Although, I advise you not to watch the official music video, unless you particularly enjoy looking at women tearing people apart and eating their flesh (bloody, gross, and extremely irrelevant).

I Bet My Life, Imagine Dragons
(album: I Bet My Life - Single)

I first heard this song earlier today while I was doing homework and I thought it was good enough to mention. It's a new song, but it's really good so let's give it some support :)

I Lived, One Republic
(album: Native)

I love singing this song because of the range of pitch and falters in part of the song. And trust me, I can't sing, so songs have to be extremely good in order for me to want to sing them.

Centuries, Fall Out Boy
(album: Centuries - Single)

The beginning of this song reminds me of "Tom's Diner" by Susanne Vega (also an okay song, in case you were wondering) but then the beat just kind of drops and explodes and it is ah-mazing, so you should listen to the song. Do it.

My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark, Fall Out Boy
(album: Save Rock and Roll)

I'm not sure if this song classifies as heavy metal because the beat is pretty sick (I sound like a teenage boy, sorry), but nonetheless it's pretty good. The lyrics and yelling isn't too great, but the overall composition of the song itself is cool.

So that's it for this playlist post! I hope you enjoyed my excitingly different taste in music and maybe this gives you a snapshot of me as a person and my life... I don't know lol

See ya on Friday ;)


- ash

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