Hey there:) This blog post is one I'm a bit surprised with, because to be honest, I've never felt like this before. I had gone swimming the other day, and the center was playing music that I payed no attention to. As I got worn out from my laps and the water that wouldn't warm up, I was shocked to hear them play a song I hadn't listened to for months.
If you happened to turn on the television during a World Cup game this past summer you're sure to have heard Shakira's song, "la la la", the self proclaimed World Cup anthem. That's what they had randomly played, and it seemed to blast me back to this last summer, one I hadn't even given a moment of thought to for the longest time.
I'm a winter kid. I love the cold, curling up under warm blankets around a toasty fire. In fact, there are times when I despise summer, with it's endless days and constant heat.
However, I miss the freedom, sleeping in, going on random adventures.
I have friends who I haven't talked to in weeks only because we're so busy we never get the chance. This past summer my days were spent with my closest friends, and we were in a haze, not noticing the time flying by, truly making memories.
I miss it. I don't know how else to say it. I want it back, and sometimes, sitting in a cold classroom, my hand writing with my mind turned off, I feel like I'm missing something.
It's not really the summer, but what was in it. I want to re-live it, but I can't. It was so amazing that I forgot to remember it. And that's alright I guess. One can just imagine.
I forgot to warn you about reading a somewhat deep post. I just felt like sharing. My old friends have seemed to stray away from me, and we can't even have normal conversations without me feeling like I'm being pushy. Maybe they want to hang out with their new friends? Maybe I'm boring them? I don't know, but the truth is, life's sort of messed up, but I guess things will be okay.
Hope you've been having a nice week
Leave us a comment telling us how it's been!:) see you on Monday!
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