Saturday, October 4, 2014

Freshmen Kick Grass (week 9)

Hi thereeeeeeeeee :) Can you even believe it's the ninth week of Two Times Life? Insane, huh? Time really does fly when you're having fun :P 

Before I begin, I just want to thank every person who takes time out of their day to read our little blog. We've already had over 100 pageviews since this month started and it just makes me speechless that that many people care enough about our average lives. It warms my heart and makes me smile and laugh and gives me something to look forward to whenever I'm having a bad day. We've also been getting quite a few comments and they've all been so sweet, so, thank you so much and I truly do love every single one of you with all of my being. Stay awesome, okay?

As you can see, this whole staying on time thing kind of failed, but I have a very good explanation. This week was very eventful and it concluded in an overwhelming Friday full of fun. Last weekend, I was at Target with my mom and I saw these adorable socks that reminded me of fall so much, and since I had some extra cash I bought three pairs. That's normal, right?

(If you want to buy some of your own, you can order them online here)

Then, on Tuesday the power kept going out at school, which was annoying because of course the boys in my class couldn't handle it. Like seriously, have you never had the lights go out before? 

Wednesday (the first day of October, yay!) and Thursday were short days for me, so I got out at 11 on Wednesday and 12:30 on Thursday. Funny how we always complain about lack of time but when we have tons of extra time, we have no idea what to do with it. Or maybe that's just me. I don't know. By the way, do these candles remind anyone else of Halloween? 

Friday was so much fun. My school does Powderpuff Football (where girls play flag football against girls in other grades) to raise money for Breast Cancer Awareness, so of course I went. I actually regretted not playing, to be completely honest. I think I will next year. A group of friends and I watched the first games and proceeded to walk around and talk the rest of the time, stopping quite often to admire my friend's crush because he is sooooooooooo attractive *insert heart eyes emoji*. It even got to the point where we had him take pictures of us for no reason other than to look at him. One of my friends tried to imitate that "Mean Girls" scene by asking him what day it was, but he didn't get it. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, just look at this, made in honor of National Mean Girls Day).

After I hitched a ride home from my neighbor at 10 PM, I sat in my room eating popcorn, having a two hour long conversation with my friend, getting to the point where we actually made a list of attractive guys (it's normal). Staying up until 12 AM caused me to sleep in until about 10 this morning, when I got up and started chores and drew on myself (for a cause, of course).

And now? I'm just killing time until I have to go sweat to death playing soccer this afternoon in the 90 degree heat. The weather in Cali is more bipolar than me, I swear. This is the summer we were missing out on, just in time for fall. WHY?!

So that's it for now.... I hope you enjoyed reading this, and don't forget to watch out for the tip post on Monday. Also, follow us on Instagram and Twitter (@twotimeslife) and leave a nice comment about how your week went :) we really do love to hear from you all.

Love ya ♥︎


- ash



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